The plenary of the Chamber of Accounts gathered to announce they are working to strengthen their role as the auditor of public funds. Following denunciation of labor harassment by two female employees against the president of the Chamber of Accounts, Janel Ramirez Sanchez, the plenary made up by Janel Andrés Ramírez Sánchez, president; Elsa María Castaño Ramírez, vice president; Tomasina Tolentino de Mckenzie, secretary of the board of directors, and members Mario Arturo Fernández Burgos and Elsa Peña Peña, pledged to work together for institutional strengthening and continuous improvement for the benefit of this government entity and the country.
“We reaffirm our commitment to the Constitution, the laws and the norms that govern all the actions of the officials responsible for administering public resources, aware of the responsibility delegated to us and to continue working in accordance with the highest ethical and moral values,” states the document released by the Chamber of Accounts.
It was reported on 16 September 2022 that lawyers Bella Massiel García Paulino and Virginia Ofelia Correa Jiménez filed a complaint of harassment against the president of the Chamber of Accounts, Janel Andrés Ramírez, with the Attorney General’s Office.
The case had already been reported by opposition party Senator Dionis Sanchez, who made the complaint known in a session of the Senate.
The formal complaint includes audios of comments made by Ramirez in December 2021 when meeting with the two lawyers employed at the Chamber of Accounts. The file was sent to the Attorney General Miriam German Brito and Adjunct prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso for review.
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El Dia
Diario Libre
Altagracia Salazar – Sin Maquillaje
21 September 2022