
Ministry of Culture takes steps to clean up the airwaves

The Ministry of Culture (MINC), recently shaken up by personnel issues, has just released a mandate (Resolution 17-2024) aimed at curbing the vulgarity flooding Dominican airwaves. The resolution outlines in a general way the proper behavior of radio and television stations as well as any public artistic event.

The resolution, signed by Minister of Culture Milagros Germán, is based on various articles of the Dominican Constitution, as well as laws and decrees that regulate the operation and responsibilities of the media.

The resolution instructs the National Commission of Public Shows and Radio Broadcasting (CNEPR) to disseminate these guidelines massively to all media outlets and to carry out constant monitoring to ensure their compliance. It also urges alternative platforms to take these guidelines into account.

The resolution establishes that anything that the public can see or hear is subject to Ministry of Culture regulations. All entities that broadcast, re-broadcast, transmit live or by video are required to avoid malicious statements, perverse images or words, excuses for criminal activity or violence, and everything that might be denigrating to the civil culture of national heroes or anyone else.” In other words, behave in a proper manner.

It is no secret that the airwaves are filled with the most vulgar and suggestive of lyrics and conversations, supposedly modern and progressive. Radio and television stations are encouraged to instead promote good behavior, civility and manners.

Key provisions of the Resolution 17-2024:
• A prohibition on the use of explicit language and any harmful influence that could disrupt the harmonious development of Dominican children and youth.
• A requirement that broadcasts promote good civic and citizen customs, respect for social morals, human dignity, and family ties.
• A ban on malicious expressions, apologies for crime or violence, and any content that denigrates any person, especially national heroes.
• A mandate that broadcasts should contribute to raising the cultural level of the people, preserving national customs and traditions, and extolling the values of Dominican nationality.
• A stipulation that “content must have educational purposes, aligned with articles 8, 38, 63, and 64 of the Constitution, which promote education, information, and cultural entertainment.”

This initiative underscores the Ministry of Culture’s new commitment to protect citizens’ rights and strengthen good practices in the country’s media. In addition, the MINC announced that it has appointed Giovanny Cruz, Deputy Minister of Creativity and Artistic Training, as interim president of the CNEPR. The Ministry of Culture states that the new provision will remain in effect until the process is completed before the Ministry of Public Administration for the appointment of a new head to replace broadcaster Joseph Báez, who was removed as director regarding the granting accreditation to communicator Amelia Alcantara of the controversial Fogarate Radio show.

Amelia Alcantara is a controversy-provoking voice in show business. Known for her unfiltered and uninhibited style, she fearlessly tackles any topic, no matter how taboo. Her ability to delve into the personal lives of celebrities and public figures without repercussions has made her a popular figure among some, while also drawing the ire of others who disapprove of her brash communication style.

Read more in Spanish:
Ministry of Culture Resolution 17-24
Listin Diario

15 July 2024