While foreign births registered were 4% of the total in 2012 (7,224 foreigners and 199,156 Dominicans), by 2023 the Central Electoral Board (JCE) says these had increased to 12% (220,365 Dominicans and 29,945 foreigners).
The Central Electoral Board published an extensive report with details on foreign births in the Dominican Republic for the period 1 January 2012 to 26 August 2024.
Between 1 January 2012, and 26 August 2024, a total of 2,915,930 births were registered. Of these, 2,674,827 (92%) were to Dominican parents, while 241,103 (8%) were to foreign parents.
Out of this total, 654,733 births were recorded at Official Registries. Of these, 537,154 (82%) were to Dominican parents and 117,579 (18%) were to foreign parents.
According to Article 18 of the Dominican Constitution, Dominican nationality is granted to:
1) Children born to Dominican parents;
2) Those who held Dominican nationality before the Constitution’s enactment;
3) Individuals born on Dominican soil, except children of foreign diplomats, those in transit, or foreigners residing illegally in the country;
4) Individuals born abroad to Dominican parents, who may choose to retain dual nationality or renounce one upon reaching 18;
5) Those married to a Dominican who opt for Dominican nationality and meet legal requirements;
6) Direct descendants of Dominicans residing abroad;
7) Naturalized individuals who meet the legal requirements.
Under Article 28.1 of Migration Law 285-04, health centers providing birth assistance to undocumented foreign women must issue a pink Birth Certificate distinct from the Official Birth Certificate, containing all relevant details about the mother. This certificate is required for the registration of foreign births with the Central Electoral Board in a special book for foreigners. This procedure ensures compliance with Article 28.2 of the law and Article 25.2 of the Dominican Constitution. The final step involves sending these foreign birth records from the National Civil Registry to the office of the president of the Central Electoral Board, from where they are forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Relations for delivery to the respective embassies. It is important to note that registration in this foreign book does not confer Dominican nationality, states the JCE note.
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4 September 2024