
Zooberto Park becomes the Los Próceres Park

The Magna Group (importers of Hyundai) donated RD$35 million to remodel the small park located adjacent to their headquarters at the intersection of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy avenues. The now Los Proceres Environmental Park was previously as the Zooberto, the city attraction filled with giant animal-shaped structures covered with climbing green vines.

“This space is now brighter, greener, and safer, with a focus on inclusivity to meet the needs of our community,” said Mayor Carolina Mejía. “We’ve created a more organized space for pedestrians and motorcyclists.”

Architect Rafa Selman, president of Trazados, the foundation that funded the renovation, explained that the design was based on a thorough analysis of pedestrian traffic patterns. New lighting and pedestrian crossings were added. “Our goal was to create internal walkways and strategically placed pedestrian crossings to improve the flow of people while ensuring safety. We’ve also integrated functional urban furniture, such as benches, railings, and lighting, to enhance the space,” he said as reported in Diario Libre.

Read more in Spanish:
Diario Libre

12 December 2024