Ports of Entry The Dominican Republic is the Caribbean island with the most international airports. The Dominican Republic is larger than most Caribbean islands and an error in travel planning could place a tourist a four-hour bus trip away or US$100 taxi ride away from the hotel, when there very likely is an airport less than an hour away. Travelers should also consider the possibility of booking their arrival to one airport and departure through another in order to see more of the country. The Dominican Republic is the Caribbean island with the most international airports. The Dominican Republic is larger than most Caribbean islands and an error in travel planning could place a tourist a four-hour bus trip away or US$100 taxi ride away from the hotel, when there very likely is an airport less than an hour away. The DR as of 2008 has become an unsurpassable Caribbean destination for fly-ins and small plane travelers. The DR numerous airfields and diversity of vacation lands, from mountain to desert land to variety of beaches, world known golf courses and ecotourism adventure spots, make the DR the most attractive country for aviation tourism in the Caribbean. Decree 169-08 issued this year exempts pilots of small airplanes (up to 30,000 lbs and max of 12 passengers) from paying airport charges. At the same time, the government also reduced paperwork to a minimum so that after landing at one airport, pilots can continue on to other airports and airfields in the DR, truly making for a wonderful multi-destination visit in the country. Airport: Top Bottom