Going to school in English
Instruction in foreign languages is available in Santo Domingo for children of all ages. Curriculum is available in Spanish and other languages. While there are students enrolled from all over the world, the majority are Dominican. This means that much of the school’s informal social life will take place in Spanish, regardless of the educational facility’s policies. 

Will their qualifications be valid once we leave the Dominican Republic?
Schools which are accredited by the Dominican Ministry of Education offer certificates which are valid for entrance to Dominican, European and U.S. universities. However, those planning to undertake higher education in the U.S. may wish to attend a school which has been accredited by the U.S. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Those interested in studying in Europe, should consider a school where the International Baccaulaureate curriculum is used. 

Which schools offer an entirely English curriculum?
The American School of Santo Domingo, founded in 1980, offers U.S.-style instruction to a total of around 700 students, from pre-kindergarten to the 12th grade. All teachers are university graduates and most have Master’s degrees. Students are required to take the PSAT examination in tenth and eleventh grades, followed by the SAT in eleventh and twelfth grades. The school is located in a peaceful, upscale suburban area, Cuesta Hermosa III, in Arroyo Hondo. It is accredited by US Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Apartado 20212, Santo Domingo. 
Tel. 567-6824. Email a.school@codetel.net.do 

The Carol Morgan School, founded in 1933, has around 850 students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. All teachers are certified in their field, and many of the faculty are from the U.S. The school is accredited by SACS, sponsored by the U.S. State Department and considered one of the most prestigious by Dominicans. For more information, visit the school, at the corner of Sarasota and Núńez de Cáceres avenues or call 
Tel. 537-8080. Email headmaster@cms.edu.do or write to The Carol Morgan School of Santo Domingo at EPS-P-2379, PO Box 02-5261, Miami, FL 33102-5261, U.S.

International School. Calle Gaspar Polanco No. 33, Bella Vista. Tel. 533-9484. Whole learning teaching program. 

St. Thomas School. New Arroyo Hondo neighborhood campus. Tel. 732-5869. 
St. Michael’s School, Hector Inchaustegui No. 8, in Piantini, has around 400 students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. It is recognized by SACS. Tel. 563-1707, 567-1230. Fax 567-1235. 

New Horizons Bilingual School, located at Juan Miguel Roman No. 2, between Betancourt and Sarasota, Tel. 533-4915, offers nursery school through grade 12. 

The Colegio Dominico-Americano, located at Abraham Lincoln No. 21, offers nursery school through high school. Extra-curricular activities are emphasized. Tel. 562-5262 for more information. Email dominico.amer@codetel.net.do

Ashton School of Santo Domingo. 1 809 562 0891

MCSchool is an independent institution officially founded as a private, non-sectarian, School in 1996. It offers an educational program to Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. Making available a grade level each year to complete High School by the year 2008. MCSchool serves a population of nearly 500 students.

Escuela Caribe (Caribe - Vista School). 
Founded in 1971 as a school for children with special needs. Located in Pinar Quemado, Jarabacoa. La Vega province. This internship school takes children from kindergarten to 12th grade. 1 809 574 2760. E-mail: e.caribe@codetel.net.do or write to: Escuela Caribe c/o New Horizons Ministries, Road 1000 South at 350 East, Marion, IN 46953, U.S.
The International Christian School offers an unusual video taped curriculum, the U.S. A Beka program. Bible study and prayer are part of every classroom. At present the school is expanding to include high school grades. It is located off Av. Sarasota, Tel. 535-8410. 

What are some of the bilingual schools?
The Americas Bicultural School (ABC School) is located at F. Valerio No. 2, Tel. 535-3371. There is a 25 to 1 student to teacher ratio, and instructors are university graduates. 

The St. George’s School, founded in 1965, offers bilingual education for children from pre-school through 12th grade. The school is fully accredited by the Dominican Ministry of Education and offers the International Baccalaureate Program. For more information, call 562-5262. Email: stgeorge@tricom.net

What are some English language pre-schools?

Kids Create. Calle Virgilio Diaz Ordońez No. 4. Tel. 809 476 0980. Email: info@kidscreate.edu.do
My Little School. Calle Boy Scouts No. 10. Tel. 565-1370. Email: avance.ind@codetel.net.do
Tiny Ones. Calle Roberto Pastoriza 358. Tel. 541-9433. 

Are there English or bilingual schools outside of Santo Domingo?
Education in English can be had outside Santo Domingo in La Romana, Santiago, Punta Cana and Puerto Plata. 

Sosua, Puerto Plata. ISS is accredited by SACS, located in Sosua, DR and serves the communities of Sosua, Cabarete, and Puerto Plata. It has Grades Pre-K through Grade 12 and offesr diploma programs from both the US and Dominican Republic. Courses are taught in English and teachers are certified in their field. Tel 809 571-3271: Fax 571-1904. Email iss.sosua@codetel.net.do

Santiago. Santiago Christian School in Santiago is the only US accredited American style Christian school in the DR. It has about 515 students in the PK-12th grade. Santiago Christian School LAI-DR-SCS PO Box 5600 Ft. Lauderdale FL 33340-5600 or Apartado 62, Santiago
Phone 809-582-0447
Their e-mail is c.school@codetel.net.do 

Centro Cultural Dominico-Americano runs a It is affiliated
with the Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano (ICDA) here in Santo Domingo. Tel. 809 582 6627
The CCDA is reputed to be quite good, and I have always been favorably
impressed with the teachers I have met from that institution.

La Romana. Abraham Lincoln School. Contact: Henry Magee.
Kindergarten to 12th grade. Located at Central Romana Corporation. Tel. 809 523-3333 or 1 809 687 7787. 

What about other languages?
There are school that offer instruction in French (The Lycee Francais) and others that offer primary instruction in Italian and German.