Recent content by Mercy

  1. M

    International Divorce

    Hi there, I have a divorce question: Married in Argentina, never shared as spouses as on the wedding day, each party went it's own way, one of the spouses moved to Dominican Republic over 10 years ago and wishes to disolve the marriage contract. Would an unilateral divorce processed in...
  2. M

    Litigation fraude

    Hola, Que se hace al descubrir que el abogado que te est? representando en una litis ha cometido fraude en alianza con el abogado abogado contrario. Cual es el procedimiento para removere al tramposo abogado del caso?
  3. M

    Duplicado de Titulo de Propiedad.

    Dr. Guzman, Yo siempre he oido que la ley de nuestro pais es "Un peso en el bolsillo",- ahora talvez $1000, no s? -pero me reuso a creer que nuestra bella quisquella haya caido tan bajo. Esta es mi historia: Mi abuela "Filomena Fernandez", viuda 3 veces y madre de nueve hijos, era propietaria...
  4. M

    Dominicans in Louisiana

    Does anyone know about ladies from Dominicans in Louisiana. Conoces damas de la Rep. Dominicana en Louisiana? Un peque?o grupo de damas Dominicanas en el area de Baton Rouge, Louisiana est? tratando de encontrar a otras damas de nuesto pais que viven aqui (en Louisiana), con la intecion de...
  5. M

    Immigration Law

    How does it work for a Dominican resident who after entering and living the US several times in a tourist visa, decided to stay in the US and was petitioned by a relative. What would be the penalty for him/her not returning to his/her country when he/she was supposed to? Would he be able to...
  6. M

    Property Title Problems

    What does the Dominican Republic does with lawyers that manipulate the law to their own benefit? I know of a few cases where certain property owners are losing their land to some thieves who are selling such property and acquiring fake titles from certain so called lawyers. What is the...
  7. M


    Cual es el procedimiento para una pareja dominicana adoptar un ni?o en el pais? Gracias. Mercy
  8. M


    Ademas de Western Union existe alguna otra compa??a de remesas desde Louisiana A Republica Dominicana? Gracias por su ayuda! Mercy
  9. M

    Titulo de propiedad en sucesion

    Hola Favio, Me interesaria saber: 2)Cual es el procedimiento legal en Republica Dominicana, para adquirir un titulo de propiedad, cuando esta haya pertenecido en vida a los padres de 7 hermanos y uno de ellos decide vender una procion de esta. Contando que la sucesion no haya sido legalmente...
  10. M

    Legal question for Fabio.

    If after over 5 years of marriage with no children, one of the spouses dies. What are the rights of the surviving spouse? I understand that house and property owned before marriage are not involved in the estate. What about cash, furniture, jewelry, etc.? Thanks for the repply.
  11. M

    Chemical Question

    What is the scientific name for "creolina"? What is it's English name? And What is its chemical component? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Mercy