Search results

  1. P

    health care, insurance benefit requirements

    Hey all, Just wondering as an employer in the Dominican Republic what my basic requirements are as far as health care, life insurance? Mostly just those two I need some help on, also, do the requirements differ if I hire a foreign national? Thank you for your help and time. : pp.
  2. P


    I don't have your number and you are not receiving messages. All is taken care of by a friend here, so not to worry....I will see you in a few months. Thanks again. : p.
  3. P


    I'm a little confused as to why certain things have to be verified in Haiti before they are allowed to happen. What exactly is the deal here?
  4. P

    NEW 'must have' book

    Hey everyone, Just received my copy of "The Devil Behind The Mirror; Globalization and The Economy In The Dominican Republic". A few chapters in right now, but very well written and informative book for anyone (including myself) wishing to or, already investing down there. Check it out!
  5. P

    Shared Accommodations?

    Hey everyone, Merry Christmas to you all !! I am canadian/british/34/male Looking to find some inexpensive lodgings for a few months before buying my piece of paradise...wondering if anyone in similar situation (single) is in the same boat. Will be moving to the north coast area in mid-february...