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  1. C

    Magic Mirror

    Magic Mirror Once upon a time there was a magic mirror that could tell when you were lying. If you were, ZAP! It would suck you in and you were gone forever. One day, an old lady, a brunette, and a blonde happened by the mirror. The old lady looked in it and said, "I think I'm the...
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    Bush Joke

    One day, President Bush visited an elementary school. All the kids were so excited to get to meet the President. He began to talk to them and asked them to define the word "tragedy." "Well," one girl replied, "If my mommy ran over my dog, Rover, that would be a tragedy!" The President smiled...
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    Blonde swimmer

    There's this blonde, and she's in a row boat out in the middle of a wheat field, and she's rowing as hard as she can. just then another blonde comes over a hill and sees her.: she gets really pissed and yells, "Damn you! you're the kind of blonde that gives all of the rest of us blondes bad...
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    5 presidents are on a plane

    Five presidents are on a plane: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. George Washington says, "I will make someone happy!" and throws a dollar bill off the plane. Then Abraham Lincoln says, "I will make five people happy!" and throws 5 one...
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    PR Parade

    Okay I know this is the DR board but the PR Parade is still going to be hot and I think it's worth discussing. Unfortunitely, the DR parade doesn't get the same celeb's or publicity that the PR one does. I'm...
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    This Boards Impact On Your Life

    The other day I started to think about the internet and I reliezed that it really does have an impact on my life. I use it mostly for research and AIM chats but I deintely do love comintg to this board and reading posts and making them or replying to them. I go to The clown bin whenever I'm...
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    A new joke

    Phil had just joined a club after his friend had recommended it (being a member for quite some time). They were sitting at the bar having their beers when someone yelled "21" and there was a small uproar of laughter. A few minutes later someone else yelled "34" and another roar of laughter rose...
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    Nerds-How to get a life

    Funny Joke I sent to my "boyfriend" I saw this joke and thought of you its about how Nerds could get a life in a step by step process, you may find it useful. How thoughtful and sweet of me! Don't worry I'm not expecting a thank you, just pass this on to your friends, less nerdy people in the...
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    Computer Science Students

    Computer science student is studying under a tree and another one pulls up on a flashy new bike The student under the tree asks, "Where'd you get that?!?" The student on the bike replies, "While I was studying outside, this girl pulls up on her bike... She takes off all her clothes and says to...
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    Computer Science Students

    Computer science student is studying under a tree and another one pulls up on a flashy new bike The student under the tree asks, "Where'd you get that?!?" The student on the bike replies, "While I was studying outside, this girl pulls up on her bike... She takes off all her clothes and says to...
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    Pick Up Lines for Computer Geeks

    Pick Up Lines for Computer Geeks - Nice Set of Floppies! - Hey, how 'bout I take off your cover and insert a bigger CPU. - I'd like to play on your laptop. - Need me to unzip your files? - If you were an ISP, I'd dial you all day long! - I'd like to boot up your PC! - I'll bet my hard...
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    blondie trying to be smart

    There was this guy who was married to a blonde, and each night he came home with a new blonde joke. One night the wife got mad and decided to show him that she wasn't dumb. She spent the whole next day learning all her states and capitals. That night when he got home he told his joke. She...
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    Legal or jail bait (quiz) on the jail bait one i got 12/16 right, meaning 75 over all. Which means that I'm smart.
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    How Depressed are You? This is what I got: You're normal. Normal?! NORMAL?! Oh SCREW YOU!You KNEW you were normal when you came here, you FREAK. GET OUT! GET OUT! *throws you at a bus* <img...
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    Help Wanted

    A local business was looking for office help. They put a sign in the window saying "HELP WANTED. Must be able to type, must be good with a computer and must be bilingual. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer." A short time afterwards, a dog trotted up to the window, saw the sign and went inside...
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    A Faithful Spouse?

    Stephanie's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside each and every day. One day, when he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, "You know what? You have been with me all...
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    Which evil creature are you?

    I'm an angel!!! <img src="" border="0" alt="INNOCENT ANGEL"><br>You're an innocent angel! <br><br><a href="!)/"> <font...
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    Santas Message

    FROM THE DESK 0F S. CLAUS I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer serve the states of Georgia, Florida, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Arkansas on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the...
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    I know that Manny ramirez lived in washington heights, and sosa was pratically worshiped by heightsters but what about pedro martinez does he ever visit wh?
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    Miserable Failure

    go to and type in miserable failure and see who you get