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  1. R

    certainly making a difference

    Glad to see that moderators on here are certainly making a difference ;) , picking and choose which threads gets the light of day. Certain issues are too taboo and cannot be discussed on here. One thing I must say is, administrative staff on here can deny certain things all they want but that...
  2. R

    Open letter to the OPs-hillbilly and Pib

    Open letter to the MOderators-hillbilly and Pib Why are you keeping a certain topic out of this forum. I just want to know why, please explain. I've written thus far three threads and each were deleted, why I ask you. THe issues that were raised in those threads were carefully detailed quite...
  3. R

    DID DR policemen massacred Haitians in Haiti

    As horrible as this sounds, I don't want to believe it. However news that are coming out of Haiti states that a group of Domincan Policemen crossed the Haitian border and massacred a number of the Plateau Central population. All to avenge the death of three Dominican Policemen killed for...
  4. R

    Denying Haitian contributions to Dominican society

    Pena Gomez, ULysses Heureaux, well like it or not that self hated man Trujillo had Haitian roots, and yes Sammy Sosa too, just to name a few. On my last visit to the DR, I noticed that Haitians are almost given 0 if any credit in Dominican society, why is that. I stayed on a resort in which...
  5. R

    Guilty as charge is the DR Government.

    How is it possible that all these rebels made it over the border with all these guns? Is the Mejia Administration using the current situation in Haiti to divert attention on them? What role did the current Dominican administration played in the rebel uprising in Haiti. If you ask me they played...
  6. R

    The Phantoms unmasked....

    after a two day break from Planet DR1.........Thanks for holding serve, Quisqueya! lesssons well taught on your side, though things got out of hand in the end there...... I ve come to realize that in one little thread about a people without a land, I was able to unmasked the phantoms. Whether...
  7. R

    Modern slavery in the DR- Haitians in the Bateys.

    I've noticed how angry some are at the mention of a European Industrialist echoeing the word lazy with Dominican workers. Why hasn't anyone mention the plight of the Haitian Sugarcane Workers in the DR, Modern Slavery. A people without a future, stuck in the bateys to only have the cycle...
  8. R

    Haitians need not post!

    Could someone please explain to me why I am two for two. I ve written two threads, none with any malicious intentions. However, they've both been shut down. Please explain to me when a poster can post a vile thread on here depicting all things that are bad with one particular nation "the real...
  9. R

    I come in peace....

    how time have changed................ America welcomes immigrants from all corners of the world. Over time the old immigrants have turned on the new and recent ones. OH how the times have changed indeed. Some ascribe all that is bad, ugly and poor to Africa. I am new to this forum, what rude...
  10. R

    Dominicans denying their Afro Roots!

    Indio Claro, Indio this Indio that........ Everything but Afro, I find it quite strange that although the island of Hispagniola served as a magnet or once a heaven to the slave traders during the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Someway somehow, some have managed to completely erase off the face to...