Search results

  1. M

    everything's fine...

    hi all haven't posted on here in a while. if some of you may remember, i was planning on moving down here for a few months. well i've been living in cabarete for 1 month now and things are just fine. i'm here with my girlfriend and my dog. we plan on staying through till around april but maybe...
  2. M

    bringing my dog

    has anyone here had the experience of bringing a dog to DR from the states? i'm moving to DR for a few months in the beginning of november and am planning on bringing my dog. i've been in touch with a shipping company who will handle the shipping part. i got the shots they told me he needed and...
  3. M

    domincan holidays

    does anyone have a link to the 2005 official dominican holidays? or you know where i can look for a list of the dates? thanks
  4. M

    dominican holidays anyone?

    does anyone have a link to the 2005 official dominican holidays? or you know where i can look for a list of the dates? thanks
  5. M

    Osama in SD???

    does anyone know about a neighborhood to the east of SD called Sanchez Osama? i was told its nice there and inexpensive. i'm looking to possibly live in DR. one option is bavaro. the other would be near SD but not in SD. if not sanchez osama, any recommendations for a quiet neighborhood just...
  6. M

    share your thoughts?

    hi i'm new to this forum. just joined today and have been reading lots of threads with lots of good info for someone planning to move to DR. it's been helpful for sure. i'm living in brooklyn right now and am planning to move to bavaro beach by november. i'll be there all next week for 10 days...
  7. M

    bavaro beach living?

    hi i'm thinking of moving to bavaro beach in november. have a business op there. i'm going to spend all of next week there investigating the possibilities of such move. i live in brooklyn now. i'm looking a for a real estate agent in the area that can help me find a place to live. i'd like to...
  8. M

    importing tobacco?

    i want to import tobacco in the DR. not your typical cigs or cigars. i want to import egyptian tobacco from a US distributor. does anyone here know about laws governing this? is this a question for costums? if so, how do i get in touch with costums? thanks