Too late ???


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Jun 16, 2007
0 | The FLAME OF TRUTH is flickering near oblivion.:

Too late to avert second Haiti disaster
March 18, 2010
By `

Despite billions of US dollars in pledges and an unprecedented humanitarian drive, it is likely too late to avert a second disaster in quake-hit Haiti, a top US aid co-ordinator has warned.

Tents and tarpaulins are simply not enough to protect tens of thousands of Haitians from the coming rains and hurricanes, and a new wave of quake survivors could perish in a second ?catastrophe?, InterAction chief Sam Worthington predicted.

?Having observed camps on very steep slopes and that you cannot simply relocate hundreds of thousands of people easily, we anticipate that the rainy season will lead, to a certain degree, to another catastrophe that despite the hard work of the international community will be hard to avoid,? he told AFP.

?Deaths, landslides and so forth,? he explained, adding: ?What we can do is work with the UN to create shelters that people can find refuge in, but there simply isn?t the time.?

In Haiti for a week for meetings with top government officials, including President Rene Preval, Worthington is co-ordinating the massive US NGO effort but is realistic about what can be achieved.

?We?re in a race against time and even though a large number of people will be moved, I do anticipate that, sadly, many will be affected by the fact that they are living in areas that are dangerous.

?One could get a tent, one could get plastic sheeting but to get people in temporary shelter in such a way that it will withstand a hurricane or rains and ultimately rebuild, we are talking about an effort that will take years.?

Teams from the International Organisation for Migration are laboriously trawling hundreds of camps to register the particulars of each family, while other UN agencies draw up emergency plans for flood and hurricane prevention.

Some 218,000 Haitians are deemed to be in ?red camps?, those considered at gravest flood risk, and the race is on to find them alternative shelter before the rain and possibly calamitous landslides.

There have already been a few nights of torrential downpours in the past week and sustained rains could spell disaster in Port-au-Prince where countless people subsist in wretched conditions perched on treacherous slopes.

?Our community is talking about a second disaster happening when the rains hit,? said Worthington. ?I am not sure to what extent that can be avoided.?

?Unfortunately, many of the camps are in areas that have no drainage whatsoever and many of the shelters are on slopes that are 20 degrees or steeper,? he told AFP after a briefing at the UN logistics base.

The 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti as dusk fell on January 12 was one of the worst natural disasters of modern times, if not the worst. It left at least 220,000 people dead and affected three million Haitians.
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Aug 22, 2008
I have been reading for sometime about how hurricanes and rains could destroy camps in and around Port au Prince.
Rains are fierce in Port au Prince - true enough. I have seen some terrible things and heard some worse stories over the years because of tropical storms.

I hope I am not tempting fate here but....
Hurricanes do not affect Port au Prince, generally.

I realise that any persistent rain will cause nasty sewage problems and people may well get infected with all sorts of terrible diseases, but hurricanes in Port au Prince are not a big issue.

If the powers that be are focusing on preventing wind damage in Port au Prince then they are not focusing on the real potential for disaster.
Jacmel, yes. Les Cayes, yes. Gonaives and St Marc - especially yes, but Port au Prince - not so much.


Aug 22, 2008
It was all that Prestige that did it....
Strange and pungent clouds are now being reported in the D.R., however.
I deny everything....


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
Strange and pungent clouds are now being reported in the D.R., however.

Pungent Clouds? Pedro what have you been eating????

1.sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.


New member
Jun 16, 2007

It was all that Prestige that did it....
Strange and pungent clouds are now being reported in the D.R., however.
I deny everything.... | The FLAME OF TRUTH is flickering near oblivion.

Heavy rains swamp camps holding Haiti?s homeless
March 19, 2010

By `

By MIKE MELIA-The Associated Press
Friday, March 19, 2010; 2:54 PM

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti ? One of the heaviest rainfalls since Haiti?s Jan. 12 earthquake swamped homeless camps Friday, sweeping screaming residents into eddies of water, overflowing latrines and panicking thousands.

The overnight downpour sent water coursing down the slopes of a former golf course that now serves as a temporary home for about 45,000 people.

There were no reports of deaths in the camp, a town-size maze of blue, orange and silver tarps located behind the country club used by the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne as a forward-operating base.

But the deluge terrified families who just two months ago survived the collapse of their homes in the magnitude-7 earthquake and are now struggling to make do in tent-and-tarp camps that officials have repeatedly said must be relocated.

?I was on one side (of the tarp), the children were on the other side and I was trying to push the water out,? Jackquine Exama, a 34-year-old mother of seven, said through tears.

?I?m not used to this,? she said.

Aid workers said people were swept screaming into eddies of water and flows ripped down tents an Israeli aid group is using to teach school.

?They were crying. There was just fear down there. It was chaos,? said Jim Wilson of the aid group Praecipio, who came running from his own shelter up the hill when he heard the screams.Quantcast

After the sun rose Friday, people used sticks and their bare hands to dig drainage ditches around their tarps and shanties.

Marie Elba Sylvie, 50, could not decide whether it was worth repairing damage to her lean-to of scrap wood and plastic.

?It could be fixed but when it rains again it will be the same problem,? said the 50-year-old mother of four.

Standing water and mud also pervaded a tarp-and-tent city on the outskirts of Cite Soleil, several miles away. Residents waded through the shallow flood collecting their belongings.

Officials know they must move many of the 1.3 million people displaced by the earthquake before the rainy season starts in earnest in April. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters at the golf-course camp Sunday that the people living there were in particular danger.

But after two months of searching and wrangling with landowners, the government has still not opened any of the five promised relocation sites that are better able to withstand rain and aftershocks on the capital?s northeastern outskirts.

Aid groups are also struggling to open their own camps.

?It?s been frustrating to us because we need to have those sites in order to build something ? better. Until we can do that people have no incentive to move,? U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes told The Associated Press during Ban?s visit.

?We?re running out of time, honestly,? Holmes said.

This entry was posted on March 19, 2010 at 5:59 pm and is filed under Aristide/Pr?val, Earthquake 2010. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed."


Adrian Bye

Jul 7, 2002
wait, what??

who has the responsibility to move the haitians who are choosing to live in areas that will get flooded???


Aug 22, 2008
As soon as I read this the missus spoke to some of her friends who are at the camp and they said they are fine. Nobody was washed away into eddies from what they could tell. There was no great confusion and they were surprised that she was so concerned.
It was very muddy there today but no worse than other times it has rained - so they say.

It still sounds like a pretty horrible place to be.


New member
Jun 16, 2007
As soon as I read this the missus spoke to some of her friends who are at the camp and they said they are fine. Nobody was washed away into eddies from what they could tell. There was no great confusion and they were surprised that she was so concerned.
It was very muddy there today but no worse than other times it has rained - so they say.

It still sounds like a pretty horrible place to be.


Aug 22, 2008

Er OK Sabra, but that is not the Petionville Country Club golf course that is mentioned in the piece you supplied.

So what I say stands.

Still looks pretty 'orrible though.....

Look, I am not trying to say everything is alright but if people know people in that camp they will be panicking once they read your post. That is not fair.

And this website has stories about Preval deliberately blocking aid and starving his own people - come on!!!!

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Dec 11, 2003
I do not know who this "sabra" is... nor do I know anything about this "michael collins" except what he is saying of himself
About The Founder |

But -- my own two cents here is that the guy is simply off balanced... angry at Preval and doing a very angry selection of the news pieces to help stir up anger against him.

I am also suspicious when there are slanted Haitian pieces coming out of Oregon, since it is base camp for the Institute for Justice and Democracy... led by Brian Concannon, who was (and is thought to still be) one of the lawyers for JB Aristide....

Certainly the pieces selected for publication by this "haiti truth" site have the same ring of demogogery that is typical of the far left US supporters of Aristide.

So, Sabra, would you like to come out of the shadows and tell us who you are?

It is very odd that most of the "news" stories on your site have no by line.

It is very odd that I have never heard of this site before.. or of Mr. Collins.. who is most certainly NOT one of the people who is known in the "Haitian Circles" as a poster or participant in any of the four or five Haitian discussion groups.........

and a very odd selection of articles!!
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Aug 22, 2008
And amongst the testimonies supporting the search for his 'TRUTH' he quotes a letter / missive from Baby Doc who many would accuse of being one of the direct causes of the current mayhem that is Haitian civil life.

This guy definitely has an axe to grind.


New member
Jun 16, 2007

The reason to circulate this informations is to inform , what might happen next in this tortured country, in case there will not be more well-directed help. Mr. Mountainannie - you very kindly asked who "this" Sabra is.
So, Sir, "this" is just a resident, womanly, in dominican republic, north cost, involved in one of the private helping groups for haiti, means regularly transports with goods to haiti. Surely you checked out that english is not my native language, maybe for this I did a mistake. I promise I never will forward in future any articles.> Although our informations from the people doing aid in the camp in port-au-prince we work with, really are not so nice. p.e. last info from 17th march that there had been standing around 100 trucks at the border, waiting for papiers to get in and waiting for paying T A X for the goods . the trucks not beeing able to pay had to return. this costs time, important time to bring the goods asap to them, they need it.
bye, Sabra
May 29, 2006
There are some interesting posts on the link, but it is by far the oddest site on Haiti that I've seen. I can really only take the posts at face value as it seems to be nesting ground for the tinfoil hat crowd as well. What is up with all the odd photos?


And yes, the former pilot site founder does seem to be about a half-bubble off plumb. Must make it hard to fly a plane without going around in circles.


Mar 4, 2004
It is very odd that I have never heard of this site before.. or of Mr. Collins.. who is most certainly NOT one of the people who is known in the "Haitian Circles" as a poster or participant in any of the four or five Haitian discussion groups.........

Maybe not but he was one of the Conference Committee of the Feb 24th. UN NY Conference: Haiti Re-Building Against All Odds: Fostering Partnerships. See Anne-christine d'Adesky's blog:

Feb 24 UN NY Conf: Rebuilding Haiti: Against All Odds: Fostering Partnership

If you google his name you'll find he writes quite a bit.
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Dec 11, 2003
Thanks, Sabra, for your concerns and your work... It is true that there are now many delays in shipping in aid by small groups.. Customs stalling aid efforts in Haiti - Haiti -

And Lambada, thanks as always for the good researching...

I actually know none of the names listed on that UN donors conference list, so clearly I am not anywhere near as pegado as I imagine!! But this Collins guy does not meet my fair and balanced criteria....


Mar 4, 2004
And Lambada, thanks as always for the good researching...

I didn't know who Michael Collins was either but I decided to check him out before coming to a conclusion like

my own two cents here is that the guy is simply off balanced...

It appears that material he has published which is not on the Haiti blog is a lot more solid. He even agrees with you on E2004 :cheeky:
Articles By Michael Collins

'Michael Collins is a writer who focuses on clean elections, voting rights, and corporate influence on government and policy.'

American Politics Journal: It's the 'New Haiti"


For sure he isn't neutral but I don't think that should lead us to either dismiss (nor endorse) what he writes without consideration of the content therein.

Surely you checked out that english is not my native language, maybe for this I did a mistake.

Your English is perfectly understandable, sabra, no problems there. I liked the humour in 'Mr.' Mountainannie in response to 'I do not know who 'this' sabra is' - don't know that I would have been as polite if in receipt of imperialism.....;) Please keep posting, perhaps you could tell us more of your work in Haiti?
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Dec 11, 2003
Well, Lambada, I did google Mr Collins... just stopped at the first page of references.

Perhaps I was put off a bit by the postings on the blog which accused Prime Minister Bellerive of opening the way for the cocaine trade, accused President Preval of withholding aid from his people and of paying for demonstrations against Bush and Clinton who arrive this week..

It is hard for me to imagine that someone who posts this sort of thing could be considered a person really interested in the solid development of Haiti. I rather took him for someone who was determined to destabilize the very fragile democracy. And it is astonishing that he would have been included in a conference at the UN level.

Since the blog postings were so scurrilous, I did indeed leap to the conclusion that our new poster might be someone with a political agenda.... which I discovered Sabra is not.

Evidently much of the work for the "donors conference"-- one of which included said Mr Collins, as you found out, does not appear to be including many of the groups actually working on the ground in Haiti.

Changing Perspectives: Locals complain of exclusion from planning process


New member
Jun 16, 2007
I didn't know who Michael Collins was either but I decided to check him out before coming to a conclusion like

It appears that material he has published which is not on the Haiti blog is a lot more solid. He even agrees with you on E2004 :cheeky:
Articles By Michael Collins

'Michael Collins is a writer who focuses on clean elections, voting rights, and corporate influence on government and policy.'

American Politics Journal: It's the 'New Haiti"


For sure he isn't neutral but I don't think that should lead us to either dismiss (nor endorse) what he writes without consideration of the content therein.

Your English is perfectly understandable, sabra, no problems there. I liked the humour in 'Mr.' Mountainannie in response to 'I do not know who 'this' sabra is' - don't know that I would have been as polite if in receipt of imperialism.....;) Please keep posting, perhaps you could tell us more of your work in Haiti?
thank you and thank's mountainannie. I try to keep you informed with the news. just now the group plans a transport (our people in have an idea)tomorrow or latest tuesday, from cabarete to p.a.p. I,m waiting for news. today I try to relax, >sometimes I feel little hopeless with the situation generally in our world - have to activate my mechanism, to come up.
have a nice sunday, :bunny: Sabra


Dec 11, 2003
thank you and thank's mountainannie. I try to keep you informed with the news. just now the group plans a transport (our people in have an idea)tomorrow or latest tuesday, from cabarete to p.a.p. I,m waiting for news. today I try to relax, >sometimes I feel little hopeless with the situation generally in our world - have to activate my mechanism, to come up.
have a nice sunday, :bunny: Sabra

Medicins Sans Frontier has opened an office here in Gazcue and regularly has teams going in and out.. So if you are having trouble getting your supplies across the border, perhaps they could help? There is also now an official from the Episcopal Church in the US which has a big network in Haiti.

What is your group in PauP? Are they registered with the Haitian government as an NGO? That is going to be the kicker..

Keep us posted! Thanks