USA-DR-USA Nationality.


Feb 14, 2003
My brother's children are by-birth USA Citizens, borned in NYC. Their parents are Dominican but naturalized US citizens. One of the girls lives in DR (Santiago). Are they Dominican citizens as well? Or do they have to become DR citizens. Confusing, I Know.

Please help !!!;)


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
My son was told all he needs are a certified original copy of his father's DR birth certificate, a certified copy of his own birth certificate and a certified copy of our marriage certificate to claim Dominican citizenship.



Jan 2, 2002
Quote from Mr Guzman

A person born of a Dominican father or mother has the right to acquire Dominican citizenship by virtue of Article 11 of the Constitution and Article 26 of Law 1683 of 1948. The steps to be taken are the following:

1. Petition to the Minister of Interior.

2. Affidavit prepared by a Notary Public in which the applicant states his wish to apply for Dominican citizenship.

3. Birth certificate of the applicant, authenticated at a Dominican Consulate and translated into Spanish by an official translator.

4. Birth certificate of the applicant’s Dominican parent.

5. 4 pictures, 2 x 2 inches.

6. Application and newspaper fees.
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Active member
Jul 29, 2009
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
There's a NEW Constitution


Wasn't the Constitution of 1948 replaced by the new Constitution of January 26, 2010???

Art?culo 18.- Nacionalidad. Son dominicanas y dominicanos:
1) Los hijos e hijas de madre o padre dominicanos;
2) Quienes gocen de la nacionalidad dominicana antes de la entrada en vigencia de esta Constituci?n;
3) Las personas nacidas en territorio nacional, con excepci?n de los hijos e hijas de extranjeros miembros de legaciones diplom?ticas y consulares, de extranjeros que se hallen en tr?nsito o residan ilegalmente en territorio dominicano. Se
considera persona en tr?nsito a toda extranjera o extranjero definido como tal en las leyes dominicanas;
4) Los nacidos en el extranjero, de padre o madre dominicanos, no obstante haber adquirido, por el lugar de nacimiento, una nacionalidad distinta a la de sus padres. Una vez alcanzada la edad de dieciocho a?os, podr?n manifestar su voluntad, ante la autoridad competente, de asumir la doble nacionalidad o renunciar a una de ellas;
5) Quienes contraigan matrimonio con un dominicano o dominicana, siempre que opten por la nacionalidad de su c?nyuge y cumplan con los requisitos establecidos por la ley;
6) Los descendientes directos de dominicanos residentes en el exterior;
7) Las personas naturalizadas, de conformidad con las condiciones y formalidades requeridas por la ley.

Please check on the updated requirements.

Also, I guess this means that foreign men who marry Dominican women now have the same rights to Dominican citizenship as foreign women marrying Dominican men did in the former Constitution. Or am I mistaken?

Mr. Guzman, what is your take on the matter in light of the new Constitution?

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Here is the new provision in the Constitution.

Article 18. Nationality. The following persons are Dominicans:

1) The sons and daughters of a Dominican mother or father;

2) Any person having Dominican nationality before the entry into force of this Constitution;

3) Any person born in the Dominican Republic, except the sons and daughters of members of foreign diplomatic and consular missions, and of foreigners that are in transit or who reside illegally in Dominican territory. A person in transit is any foreign person defined as such by the laws of the Dominican Republic;

4) Any person born in a foreign country, to a Dominican father or mother, despite having acquired, by place of birth, a nationality different from that of their parents. After reaching the age of eighteen, such persons may choose to acquire dual nationality or to relinquish one nationality, before the competent authority;

5) Any person who marries a Dominican man or woman, provided that such person chooses to acquire the nationality of his or her spouse and fulfills the requirements established by law;

6) The direct descendants of Dominicans residing in a foreign country;

7) Any person naturalized in the Dominican Republic, pursuant to the conditions and formalities required by law.

By the way, I'm in the process of translating the Dominican Constitution into English. It should be ready for publication by January or February at the latest. This is a first uncorrected draft of article 18.

I'll be needing two or three beta-readers, preferably lawyers. Those interested please let me know.