I met a gorgeous Dominicana today. Need advice on how to make her mine.

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Aug 13, 2012
Okay, so today I decided to go out and check out the town, getting to know the area and stuff. I got hungry and decided to stop in this restaurant. When I set down to wait for my meal, there were two gorgeous babes that served as the waittresses. Both were eyeing me, but one showed real interest, the most interest any chick has shown me so far in this country. She stopped and asked me questions, where I was from, if I lived here, if I was Dominicano, etc, and I just felt this really nice vibe, the type of vibe that indicates that a chick is really interested in you.

I told her my name, but I didn't catch hers. I asked her her age and she told me she is twenty(younger than me). I told her I would return to that restaurant and I have every intention of doing so. Here is the question...how do I make this chica mine? What strategies and tactics should I use when I return? Guys, if you were me, how would you tactically approach this situation? I'm thinking of returning to the restaurant in a week(is that too early?). What I don't know is what I should do when I get there. Should I ask her out when I return? I thought of asking for her number, but my Spanish isn't strong enough to have deep verbal conversations. I'm better at writing. If I can get her correo electronico instead, then I can correspond by email which will be much better than talking over a phone. Now, when I ask her out, where should I suggest we go? A restaurant isn't a good idea because she works in one. How do I make her my girlfriend? I'm socially awkard BUT today when I was in that restaurant In briefly entered "the zone," where everything seemed to just flow and for a moment I felt like James Bond. How do I win and make her mine?


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
How do I make her my girlfriend? I'm socially awkard BUT today when I was in that restaurant In briefly entered "the zone," where everything seemed to just flow and for a moment I felt like James Bond. How do I win and make her mine?

Take her out for a few drinks and to a cabana to see if she is any good in the sack. What do you do back home "phone a friend", how old are you, 14?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Take her out for a few drinks and to a cabana to see if she is any good in the sack. What do you do back home "phone a friend", how old are you, 14?

To much time on his hands I think. Players do not give up all there secrets!!!!!!

Do the normal thing man. The normal thing!!!!! SHOW HER THE MONEY!!!!!!


I've been moving my money out of dollars and into gold, silver, and foreign currencies for at least three years. I will continue to do so in the future.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
You are one funny guy!!!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gSWmEFVvghg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Jun 18, 2007
Wow you still have a lot to learn.
First of all be a man. A man is a hunter who doesn't let his "prey" escape. So go for it, be strong, confident and control the situation.
Have a plan B ready because she might be too much for you to handle.
For more advice I will have to charge you. ;)


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Are people really this clueless?

Send me a PM and I'll meet you at the restaurant and show you what to do.
I guarantee 100% success, providing you don't look like "Tambo" jejeje


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Are people really this clueless?

Send me a PM and I'll meet you at the restaurant and show you what to do.
I guarantee 100% success, providing you don't look like "Tambo" jejeje

I see you are in the X-mas spirit of giving!!!!!

I need a raise. hahahahaha


Nov 4, 2011
Okay, so today I decided to go out and check out the town, getting to know the area and stuff. I got hungry and decided to stop in this restaurant. When I set down to wait for my meal, there were two gorgeous babes that served as the waittresses. Both were eyeing me, but one showed real interest, the most interest any chick has shown me so far in this country. She stopped and asked me questions, where I was from, if I lived here, if I was Dominicano, etc, and I just felt this really nice vibe, the type of vibe that indicates that a chick is really interested in you.

I told her my name, but I didn't catch hers. I asked her her age and she told me she is twenty(younger than me). I told her I would return to that restaurant and I have every intention of doing so. Here is the question...how do I make this chica mine? What strategies and tactics should I use when I return? Guys, if you were me, how would you tactically approach this situation? I'm thinking of returning to the restaurant in a week(is that too early?). What I don't know is what I should do when I get there. Should I ask her out when I return? I thought of asking for her number, but my Spanish isn't strong enough to have deep verbal conversations. I'm better at writing. If I can get her correo electronico instead, then I can correspond by email which will be much better than talking over a phone. Now, when I ask her out, where should I suggest we go? A restaurant isn't a good idea because she works in one. How do I make her my girlfriend? I'm socially awkard BUT today when I was in that restaurant In briefly entered "the zone," where everything seemed to just flow and for a moment I felt like James Bond. How do I win and make her mine?

I have no idea what to write LOL!!! I have never read or heard anything like this. I want to say something clever, but I GOT NOTHING right now.

BTW James Bond?????????


Sep 27, 2011
I thought of asking for her number, but my Spanish isn't strong enough to have deep verbal conversations.

Yes 'what is your number' and 'what is the meaning of life', often found in the same section of the basic Spanish dictionary. Do yourself a favour and stick to girls you can communicate with. It is great while the initial screwing each others brains out period lasts, but when you start to get to know each others friends you look like a pair of pricks not being able to hold a flowing discussion without hand gestures and funny faces.

Saying that I have a friend living in Sosua who has been with the same girl for over 6 years and they can't understand each other very well. He doesn't understand she is screwing every Fred, Harry and Bill on the block when he goes on business for a few days and she doesn't understand his business meetings are held at Blackbeirds, so works well for them.

But is the real world it is all a bit of a farce dating someone you can't completely understand., isn't it.


New member
Mar 25, 2010

Is this you?


Aug 13, 2012
Yes 'what is your number' and 'what is the meaning of life', often found in the same section of the basic Spanish dictionary. Do yourself a favour and stick to girls you can communicate with. It is great while the initial screwing each others brains out period lasts, but when you start to get to know each others friends you look like a pair of pricks not being able to hold a flowing discussion without hand gestures and funny faces.

Saying that I have a friend living in Sosua who has been with the same girl for over 6 years and they can't understand each other very well. He doesn't understand she is screwing every Fred, Harry and Bill on the block when he goes on business for a few days and she doesn't understand his business meetings are held at Blackbeirds, so works well for them.

But is the real world it is all a bit of a farce dating someone you can't completely understand., isn't it.

I can understand her better if things are written down, which is precisely why I'd rather have her email address as opposed to her number. Besides, I don't have a Dominican cell phone anyways. When you receive an email written in Spanish, you have time to translate it, and come up with an appropriate response. Doing this over the phone is........awkward. You say above that I should stick with girls I can communicate with. That essentially eliminates over 90% of Dominican girls, who speak little to no English. Besides, here is a question you never considered......how on Earth am I supposed to become better in Spanish if I find some Chica that speaks English? Hmm.........it kind of defeats the purpose of studying Spanish for 4 years, doesn't it?

And I have yet another question........now, you claim in your post above that it is a farce dating someone that you can't completely understand, but, do people who even speak the same language completely understand each other? Not really. How many times have you misunderstood someone who speaks English? How many times have you misread someones words or actions, even when they speak the same language as you? Speaking the same language doesn't guarantee a complete understanding of what is being said. There are hidden meanings, double meanings, and all kinds of nuances that you will encounter even with someone that speaks the same language at you. But the fact is, I have no interest in Dominican girls that speak English fluently. You sound like the type of guy that likes everything easy; I like challenges. Dominican girls who speak English sound too much like Americans girls..........very undesirable.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
You need a profesora de espanol......... she'll teach to Spanish - you teach her English

How long have been out of reclusion..... you were a hermit a few days ago ????

When learning Spanish, start with parts of the body....hand language works


Jun 19, 2009
Okay, so today I decided to go out and check out the town, getting to know the area and stuff. I got hungry and decided to stop in this restaurant. When I set down to wait for my meal, there were two gorgeous babes that served as the waittresses. Both were eyeing me, but one showed real interest, the most interest any chick has shown me so far in this country. She stopped and asked me questions, where I was from, if I lived here, if I was Dominicano, etc, and I just felt this really nice vibe, the type of vibe that indicates that a chick is really interested in you.

I told her my name, but I didn't catch hers. I asked her her age and she told me she is twenty(younger than me). I told her I would return to that restaurant and I have every intention of doing so. Here is the question...how do I make this chica mine? What strategies and tactics should I use when I return? Guys, if you were me, how would you tactically approach this situation? I'm thinking of returning to the restaurant in a week(is that too early?). What I don't know is what I should do when I get there. Should I ask her out when I return? I thought of asking for her number, but my Spanish isn't strong enough to have deep verbal conversations. I'm better at writing. If I can get her correo electronico instead, then I can correspond by email which will be much better than talking over a phone. Now, when I ask her out, where should I suggest we go? A restaurant isn't a good idea because she works in one. How do I make her my girlfriend? I'm socially awkard BUT today when I was in that restaurant In briefly entered "the zone," where everything seemed to just flow and for a moment I felt like James Bond. How do I win and make her mine?

Hard to believe, LOL ;) :D


Aug 13, 2012
On the first visit you feel like that????

This chica was fine, but her looks weren't the main thing that I noticed about her. There was another waittress there that was just as hot as she was, but I quickly forgot about her, because this one chick had an aura about her. Her mannerisms, way of speaking, and the attention she gave me really captured my attention. I'm definitely going back next week, and I'm going to pursue her. I don't care so much about sex; I can go around the corner and get that. I'd like to know what makes this woman tick, I'd like to learn who she is as a person, and whether she is the type of person I'd want to have a long term relationship with.

However, when I was in the restaurant, I noticed a young boy there, maybe 8 years old. I didn't see a mother or father nearby, so I suspect he may be the son of one of the waittresses. I hope to god not. I've made a vow not to hook up with a chica with kids, because it is an extra mouth to feed. I want to feed my own kids, not somoene elses. I also need to glance at her hands the next time I go to make sure she isn't wearing a ring, though with the attention she gave me, I doubt she is engaged or married. But I want to learn as much as I can about her. As I've said here on DR1 before, I've already turned down one beautiful Dominicana that was interested in me. I need to learn more about this chica to see if she is more compatible.


May 9, 2006
This chica was fine, but her looks weren't the main thing that I noticed about her. There was another waittress there that was just as hot as she was, but I quickly forgot about her, because this one chick had an aura about her. Her mannerisms, way of speaking, and the attention she gave me really captured my attention. I'm definitely going back next week, and I'm going to pursue her. I don't care so much about sex; I can go around the corner and get that. I'd like to know what makes this woman tick, I'd like to learn who she is as a person, and whether she is the type of person I'd want to have a long term relationship with.

However, when I was in the restaurant, I noticed a young boy there, maybe 8 years old. I didn't see a mother or father nearby, so I suspect he may be the son of one of the waittresses. I hope to god not. I've made a vow not to hook up with a chica with kids, because it is an extra mouth to feed. I want to feed my own kids, not somoene elses. I also need to glance at her hands the next time I go to make sure she isn't wearing a ring, though with the attention she gave me, I doubt she is engaged or married. But I want to learn as much as I can about her. As I've said here on DR1 before, I've already turned down one beautiful Dominicana that was interested in me. I need to learn more about this chica to see if she is more compatible.

Simmmmmmmma dowwwwn little fella.
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