

New member
Jul 24, 2013
Almost everyone in DR wants to be in America or NYC to be specific even people with the means to live a good life still want to go to new york, Leonel Fernandez has said he wants to Santo Domingo to be "Nueva York chiquito" is that an example of neocolonialism?? why not make a great Santo domingo instead of a little something else.


Nov 16, 2012
Almost everyone in DR wants to be in America or NYC to be specific even people with the means to live a good life still want to go to new york, Leonel Fernandez has said he wants to Santo Domingo to be "Nueva York chiquito" is that an example of neocolonialism?? why not make a great Santo domingo instead of a little something else.

That is not an example of neocolonialism unless Santo Domingo is being forced or pressured to do so by the United States. Neocolonialism refers to US and EU governments undermining the sovereignty of countries in other parts of the world to further their own goals (e.g. manipulating elections, causing political unrest, staging attacks to justify military intervention, etc.).


New member
Nov 23, 2012
The Dominicans, and I would say most latin countries, have an inferiority complex when it comes to the U.S or European countries. They deep inside feel inferior, they have to have the latest threads, electronics and everything that is from el Norte...
it has been pounded inside their head that everything from here, cant be of the same quality of what comes from abroad...
Leonel Fernandez is a very small man. If you get past his little aura of wanting to sound intellectual he is Nothing but a Platano with very low self esteem....


New member
Nov 23, 2012
They don't realize what they have, their uniqueness and yes their culture. Past the bachata crap and the loudness, they are very creative and resourceful, just like the cubans are.
I pray and hope that newer generations all over the world, get over this commercial wave of homogenatization that is making all of the countries to look,dress,dance, and be the same.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
The Dominicans, and I would say most latin countries, have an inferiority complex when it comes to the U.S or European countries. They deep inside feel inferior, they have to have the latest threads, electronics and everything that is from el Norte...
it has been pounded inside their head that everything from here, cant be of the same quality of what comes from abroad...
Leonel Fernandez is a very small man. If you get past his little aura of wanting to sound intellectual he is Nothing but a Platano with very low self esteem....

spear, i like your insight!!! for a moment there, i thought that was a post of mine.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
The Dominicans, and I would say most latin countries, have an inferiority complex when it comes to the U.S or European countries. They deep inside feel inferior, they have to have the latest threads, electronics and everything that is from el Norte...
it has been pounded inside their head that everything from here, cant be of the same quality of what comes from abroad...
Leonel Fernandez is a very small man. If you get past his little aura of wanting to sound intellectual he is Nothing but a Platano with very low self esteem....

sat at a caseta once, with three white buddies. i am black, just to let you know. this Dominican lady walked up to the table, and i was the first person she had to encounter , the way she walked in. she passed me, went and hugged the three other guys, then came back to me last. i just laughed inside, because she has been conditioned to think in terms of a human pecking order that puts the lighter pigments first.