Film. Big film. And paint. Good paint.


New member
Jul 7, 2013
Those of you born before 1990 probably know what film is. Anyway, I need to know if there is anybody who frequents this forum who knows where one might procure medium format film on the Island.
After you stop laughing, just let me know that I need to bring it myself. I would rather avoid doing so, as the last time I flew with film they insisted on x-raying the unopened box.

I'll probably also need access to a decent artists' supply store. There HAS to be one somewhere on that Island... doesn't there? If the answer is "no" on both accounts, I have to rethink my journey, for you are in a place far worse than the darkest depths of Idaho.

Just sayin'.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
Have you looked into Altos de Chavon, and the Artists Village?

(I don't specifically know the answers to your question, but thought that you'd probably want to head that way eventually, if you hadn't put it on your list of places to go.)


Sep 16, 2004
There is a store in Plaza Central (ground floor) that sells lots of paper supplies, they also have a small decent supply of art supplies, oils, acrylics, gessos, etc. limited brushes.
Regarding film ????, the idea to look at Altos de Chavon is a good as they have lots of artist workshops etc and someone there will know where to buy film. There are plenty of professional photographers here in the country, you could try google-ing them for their contact info.


Jul 10, 2004
Even if you can find the items here, it would probably be cheaper if you ordered them on Ebay, Amazon, etc and had them sent here through a mail forwarding service. That is how many of us deal with being in a place worse than the darkest depths of Idaho.


New member
Jul 7, 2013
@ explorer1:

You mention , are you talking about 16mm negative film?

No. Medium format film, professionally known as 120, is roll film used in medium format cameras (a.k.a. 6x6cm, 6x4.5cm, 6x7cm, 6x8cm and 6x9cm) The cameras I use are 645 (approx. 2 1/2 times the size of 35mm negative, and 6x9 (stupid big... almost 1/2 the size of a 4x5 sheet of film.
This filmm today, is typically used by art photographers because it yields a level of technical quality, in terms of resolution, tonality, etc. far and above traditional 35mm film. Also beats the living crap out of digital, even the high end stuff.
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