trouble in cyprus


Sep 27, 2006
here is a spam message my friend received:

I know this is very sudden but i really need of your help. I made a quick trip to Cyprus and just last night i discovered my bag containing my phone and bank card was missing.Right now i can't make use of the cash machine as planned. I have contacted the bank to report the theft but It would take a few working days to retrieve my Debit and credit cards and i need to be out of here soon, Please can i get a loan for $1,300 from you to cover my expenses? I promise to refund it as soon as i get home, I 'll appreciate what you can give if not all. It 's really urgent, please get back to me asap, I 'll advise on how to send it.
howard barkess

she sent it to me to create adequate response. i obliged with pleasure:

My dear friend,
Your email was not sudden. it was predicted last week by my trusted Spiritual Adviser and clairvoyant, Palmist and Tarot Master, Ay Lay Ol De Taym. He told me last week that he in his divine vision he clearly saw a hapless British tourist leave Turkish brothel in Cyprus after a night of passion and delight with a guest star, Elena (birth name Ahmed), without noticing he left his wallet in Elena's room. Since Elena needs it far more than you for her ongoing hormonal treatment I cannot reveal her present whereabouts.
But because I knew since last week that you will be in need, my dearest friend, I sent you 2,000 pounds to your hotel far in advance. In fact, if you go to the lobby right now a transfer should be waiting for you already.
Ay Lay Ol De Taym told me as well that the stress will also cause the recurrence of your herpes infection so I took a liberty to send you Zovirax cream and pills pack. One 400 milligrams pill twice a day with meals. Cream to be applied directly on warts in the genital area.
Astral blessings,

i love spam :)