free dog for a good home near Sosua


New member
Mar 25, 2013
Ruby is a large female dog in Sosua. She is about 8 years old and has been spayed. She is a very friendly, good family dog. She is good with children, but not with cats. She is timid at first but warms up quickly.

As a guard dog she is not a strong, aggressive leader type so she would not be good solo if you are looking for a single guard dog. However, she works very well in a pack with a good alpha.

We are moving to my dream location soon and can't take pets with us. The males have found homes through friends but nobody wants a female. If anyone on here is interested please PM me.

A photo can be seen at IMGP0030b_zpszzlplosz.jpg Photo by chjopf | Photobucket.


Sep 27, 2006


Jul 31, 2014
Ruby is a large female dog in Sosua. She is about 8 years old and has been spayed. She is a very friendly, good family dog. She is good with children, but not with cats. She is timid at first but warms up quickly.
As a guard dog she is not a strong, aggressive leader type so she would not be good solo if you are looking for a single guard dog. However, she works very well in a pack with a good alpha.

We are moving to my dream location soon and can't take pets with us. The males have found homes through friends but nobody wants a female. If anyone on here is interested please PM me.

A photo can be seen at IMGP0030b_zpszzlplosz.jpg Photo by chjopf | Photobucket.

It's too bad that you cannot keep her, she looks like a great companion. Unless you find someone from outside the DR, she will end up suffering. If she is not good at gurading and aggresive with strangers, they will let her lose and she will be attacked by the roving packs of feral dogs that run rampant. I hope that you can find a foreiner to take her, else it would be more humane to put her down. It's a shame, but the DR does not feel the same about pets as expats do. If they are not value added, then they are a liability with having to feed them and care for them.

Did you bring them to the DR from another country? If so, you need to bite the bullet and take care of your faithful companion until she passes away. Yes, i am a rabid animal lover. Did you not have the dog when you started your search for your dream place? My comments were not meant to bash you, but they need you for their well being.


New member
Mar 25, 2013
I rescued her here. She was a street dog when I first found her.

I was actually considering moving to Santo Domingo but as it looks like I'm staying in Sosua, my dream place is a place I have known about for a while but it has not had a vacancy. I just moved to my current house a year ago so I wasn't looking forward to moving again but it is vacant so I'm going. Since the place is not vacant often like many others around here I'm not going to miss this opportunity.

I prefer her not to become a street dog again so that is why I'm trying to find a good home for her. She is big and fights well for herself when provoked. She just isn't the instigator and isn't the one to start barking her head off at everyone that passes by the yard. But she jumps in with the others when they get going.

So if anyone is interested or even knows someone who might be please IM me.


New member
Mar 25, 2013
"So if anyone is interested or even knows someone who might be please IM me."

Meant to say PM instead of IM. And if you can't PM, just reply to this thread.


Apr 29, 2014
I feel sad for you and this dog. I'm a dog suck what can I say. I understand your situation and how it has changed. Unfortunately, in life, we can't always accept every opportunity that presents itself due to the obligations we have undertaken previously. Sometimes, we have to accept the reality of our situation and our responsibilities and watch as our ship sails away without us.

I would take this dog in a heartbeat, except that I already have two and that's the limit allowed in my community. I would recommend that you contact Judy @ AAA Sosua 809-571-1167 or and see if she can help getting your dog listed on their site for adoption. Maybe Judy can offer a different solution. I would then contact every other rescue group I could identify and ask for their help as well. I would put up a printed page with a picture of the dog in every bar or shop that has a bulletin board. I wish I could solve your predicament, but I cannot.

This is your dog now and you have given her a 2nd chance at a much better life than she had. To take that away from her when she has done nothing to deserve it, is just...., well you know.

Maybe you will have to rent your "dream place" and leave it empty until you successfully extricate yourself from your current entanglement. Life is precious and the affection that a dog attaches to a caring owner is a bond that hurts when broken. If there is any way possible to rehouse this dog in a caring home, you owe this dog that much even if it means you have to sacrifice your time, energy and maybe some of your money. In the end you must ensure that she does not suffer and does not want for the rest of her days. That's your contract with her and she now depends on you completely.

Next time, think a little longer and harder about what your are undertaking when the urge hits to help a stray animal. Dogs don't miss what they do not have.


New member
Mar 25, 2013
Happy to report she found a good home with family with plenty of space. Best scenario. At first they didn't want her because the younger child in the house was afraid of her. After a couple of visits to warm up to her the child and her are good friends now and she has a new home.