Detainees in Cuba


Jan 18, 2002
What's the boards opinion here guys.

Are these guys being treated the way they should be or they should deserve to be sent to a dark dingy dungeon and beaten with bantons every day.

As far as I am concerned these guys are the ones who help run an organization which killed and commited crimes against their own people, specially the women.

And after having said that. I think people who are concerned how these guys are treated in Cuba are idiots. I am sure these guys are now better fed at the US tax payer's expence - than they could manage to eat when they were in their countries.

Plus they now have access to high tech medical services etc.


New member
Jan 23, 2002
They deserve worse.

I agree with you one hundred percent?
It never seizes to amaze me, how certain groups in the US mostly political groups will take advantage of something like this and blur the crap out of it. It?s obvious that this is an attempt to sway world opinion, so that the US will give or show the criminals some leniency. Sort of what like the so-called rights groups have done to US prisons? Turned them into country clubs... What kind of rehab can someone get with chef-cooked meals, gym, recreation areas, full library, access to the Internet. I think this is what they want for the prisoners in Gitmo?



Jan 1, 2002
Someone said: "Jeez, they're in the Caribbean in the middle of winter!!"
They are getting excellent health care, getting rid of their TB, their religious customs are being respected, and before you yell about being shaven, that was to get rid of body lice and other vermin!!

They are, in fact, key elements in trying to unravel the al Qaida networks around the world.

As an aside: Can any of you come up with a better target than the WTC?? or the Pentagon?
In England: Yhe Parliament?
In France: The Eiffel Tower?
Germany? Italy?

As far as I can see it, they hit the most visible symbols of western achievement and power. Any other opinions?


Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
I have stated on many occaisions that if they had taken out the Statue of Liberty or the Whitehouse the American Public would have demanded TOTAL WAR! Let the Nukes fly!
BTW in the DR it would be the Presidente brewery!


Jan 2, 2002
missing DR causing trouble...but...

Yeah, now we have a bunch of terrorist (al queda network), lets fry them until we find another pig to roast.
The war against drugs has been won succesfully, lets take american tax money and find terrorists around the world. Who will be the next unfortunate to be called a "terrorist"? Is it Saddam, Qadaffi, or sudan????
Lets just nuke all the nations who are brown skinned and look and wear clothing different than Americans. hey, lets bomb pakistan. they have nuclear weapons. Maybe it may fall in the hands of the terrorists. yeah, why not start with me, after-all I resemble something like the terrorists. I don't have blond hair and I don't repeat after what CNN tells me to do. After-all, I am different, I ask Taboo questions like: Why usa was attacked and not canada or england? If the president and the news media keep telling us that the arab terrorists were after destroying liberty and freedom then why not attack DR?
yeah, lets not even talk about the root cause of the attack or, lets not even talk about the people who were not only capable of carrying out this attack but also had foreknowledge of the event in advance. Oh, I am not talking about Al_queda here boys.
But as I thought, you zombies will only do and act as you guys are told. Why ask WHY?
I say, lets kill all the arabs and any people who resemble arabs (indians and bangladeshis etc) to be sure that we will not have any more threats from any of those scumbags.
lets fry those al-queda members so the americans can be really proud of their victory. Oh, yeah...some victory. A world power against a stone aged nation. Hehehehehe.

Sounds like you are upset with their treatment, no lets not kill everyone with brown skin that's upsurd, why I just paid a lot of money to get well tanned. There are good and bad in every race, and we should only cull the bad apples from the barrel.
As to who is next I don't think the question is to hard to answers, Shrub's daddy made the mistake by stopping in Desert Storm he should have gone all the way to Bagdad.
Quaddafi is being an extremely good boy so he will be spared.
And the US against a stone aged nation???? 40mm howitzers and cannons and grenade launchers, not axes and knives.

HB is right they hit the basic symbols of western power and achievement, but in doing so took out a lot of people from other nations, religions ( including Arab, Muslims,Jews, Brits, French and more..)

These cur are receiving a lot better treatment at Guantanamo then would have got in their caves in their homeland, better food and meds, and nice warm sunny weather.
Missing_dr is right lets not worry about them.
Better than it would be in a prison like Attica where they could be some big guys boyfriend.
I can't wait to read Criss Colon's response to the original post.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Re: missing DR causing trouble...but...

Why usa was attacked and not canada or england?

Because the US is the world leader! Nobody cares about Canada and only the Brits are the only people who still think that the UK is a world power.

If the president and the news media keep telling us that the arab terrorists were after destroying liberty and freedom then why not attack DR?

the DR? Get real!

lets not even talk about the root cause of the attack

I could care less. What they did is inexcusable. If they had any backbone they would attack whatever is make them so upset. Not an office building!

lets not even talk about the people who were not only capable of carrying out this attack but also had foreknowledge of the event in advance. Oh, I am not talking about Al_queda here boys.

Ah JEEZ! Not that stupid Israel conspiracy theory again. tell me do you see black helocopters flying around your neighborhood at night?

the americans can be really proud of their victory. Oh, yeah...some victory. A world power against a stone aged nation.

They picked the fight so let them deal with the consequences. If a midget came at you with a machete would you just stand there and let him cut you to ribbons because he is smaller than you?


New member
Jan 1, 2002
AZB, where do you get your information?

AZB said:
The war against drugs has been won succesfully, lets take american tax money and find terrorists around the world. . . .

. . . about the root cause of the attack or, lets not even talk about the people who were not only capable of carrying out this attack but also had foreknowledge of the event in advance. Oh, I am not talking about Al_queda here boys.

AZB Sir,

JUST where in the h*** do you get your information? ? ? Or do you just make things up on the spur of the moment? ? ? Of ALL the half baked things that you've written here these two items are by far the big prize winners for being completely uniformed of even, the simplest of facts.

The war on drugs being over, in who's' mind? My friend, the trafficking of drugs is still a multibillon dollar enterprise in just North America let alone the rest of the world!

"... the people who were not only capable of carrying out this attack but also had foreknowledge of the event in advance ..."

Are you referring to the Israeli conspiracy theory? IF you are, then you are more of a nut case than I ever imagined. FYI that's a crock, you've got to stop listening to the little voices inside your head.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Some general information on 9/11:

The airliner that hit the Pentagon was really trying to take out the White house and the forth plane that crashed in Pennsylvania) was headed for the Capitol building.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Go to the following site to for the best news links:

What's FAIR?

"FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. As an anti- censorship organization, we expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information."

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

The following is something that might of been unnoticed by the person that it was intended for, and who would that be? The originator of this thread, missing_dr, that's who. So "Missing", if you are reading this, the other day I replied to you in the "Stop complaining about Dom. Rep." thread, if you would care to answer my question, then will you please do so in that thread?

. . . CES"
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Jan 14, 2002
You guys are way to hard on AZB

after all he is just a guy from Queens that you would all love if you meet him:)

I just think he likes pulling everyones chain and actually is a moral and fiscal conservative at heart. YEAH RIGHT!

I actually don't know what to think about azb. I know that he pushes my buttons but I don't know if he does it on purpose.


Paul Thate

New member
Jan 11, 2002
Re: missing DR causing trouble...but...

AZB said:
. Who will be the next unfortunate to be called a "terrorist"? Is it Saddam, Qadaffi, or sudan????

unfortunate???? dont you believe the example you brought up are scum. and deserve to be punished.???
You call all of us idiots who believe anything we read.
and that you are the only one who has the truths.

Well when you call Saddam and Qadaffi the good guys .
you better stay quiet from now on.You are sofar out in left field.
Intelligent discussion is not possible with you.

JUst out on the news another suicide bomber hurts over 100 innocents.

At least we have one of your arab brothers less.
even though the price is to high.One innocent is too much
Or you claim this did not happen.??
You are guilty of exactly the same thing you accuse us of.
you believe we have been taken in by the "zionnist" press.
You have been taken in by the anti israel factions , you spew only hate propaganda.
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Paul Thate

New member
Jan 11, 2002
Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

jazzcom said:
after all he is just a guy from Queens that you would all love if you meet him:)

I just think he likes pulling everyones chain and actually is a moral and fiscal conservative at heart. YEAH RIGHT!

My bet is indeed he is a conservative.
With all his hate for the nice israelis the " moral"
ofcourse can't apply.

I actually don't know what to think about azb. I know that he pushes my buttons but I don't know if he does it on purpose.

no, he cant help it ,and he truly believes he is right.


No I have met many like him , well educated Pakistani.
In general great people to have discussions with,
Intelligent . knowledgeable people.

How ever when it concerns Israel. Jews controlling everything in the world etc. THey have totally lost it , Incapable of independent thought . THe hate is all consuming. THey actually can't help it. And on those subjects you cant talk with them, they become irrational.
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Paul Thate

New member
Jan 11, 2002
Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

And one more thing before I get of AZB's case.

AZB when you speak so dispararing about the where and how of Haitians practice bodily functions.
THink about that the Pakistanis are not so far removed from that.
I lived many years in the UAE and I wittnessed
exactly the same being practised by your brothers.

In fact how the dominicans view the Hatians
The Arabs view the pakistanis.
When you where discribing the Hatians I was thinking Pakistani.

So try to be a little more generous in your critic.
And we all will appriciate it.


Jan 14, 2002
Re: Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

Paul Thate said:
And one more thing before I get of AZB's case.

AZB when you speak so dispararing about the where and how of Haitians practice bodily functions.
THink about that the Pakistanis are not so far removed from that.
I lived many years in the UAE and I wittnessed
exactly the same being practised by your brothers.

In fact how the dominicans view the Hatians
The Arabs view the pakistanis.
When you where discribing the Hatians I was thinking Pakistani.

So try to be a little more generous in your critic.
And we all will appriciate it.


azb is Pakistani? Didn't know that if it is true.

Watch out Maxx may accuse you of sucking up to everyone here also. LOL


Paul Thate

New member
Jan 11, 2002
Re: Re: Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

jazzcom said:


azb is Pakistani? Didn't know that if it is true.

Watch out Maxx may accuse you of sucking up to everyone here also. LOL


well he said so himself in one of his earlier posts.

with AZB beeing inferior to the israelis and MaxxJaxx being inferior to americans.
I dont think we have to much to be worried about


Jan 14, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

Paul Thate said:

well he said so himself in one of his earlier posts.

with AZB beeing inferior to the israelis and MaxxJaxx being inferior to americans.
I dont think we have to much to be worried about


Are you Israeli?

Funny, I had a Pakistani tenant in a house that was full of Moslem college students from mostly Indonesia. House was kept immaculate. My Paki tenant married a Chinese Indo that also lived in the house and has a nice family and Gas Station/convienence store. Real nice polite gentleman who is open minded and enjoyable. We had actually tried to do a business deal together on a commercial piece I had on a well traveled highway but it didn't work out. Too bad.

I never had these feelings from him that I get from azb. Go figger...



Jan 1, 2002
Paul vrs Azb

As long as only two guys sing a poliphonic song like a canon its
hard to humm along but it sound interesting.

The more people join in and we are listening to two opposed choruses
singing the same song it gets even harder to figure out what's going on.

The "music" becomes unbearable, deafening and outright dangerous
if two nations join in.

Just a Thought for Sunday (the day of the "Lord")

Regards X.


Jan 18, 2002
Coming out of hiding!

You guys are so gullible. You guys let AZB play with you just the way he wants. I start a mild string. I know AZB will take a hard hit at it and you guys will be streamlining to post.

Let me talk to you guys about AZB and me. I am AZB's best friend. I am Indian and he is Pakistani. I am Hindu and he is Muslim. We hang out together, get drunk together and when I am in DR I stay in his house untill I get my apartment in living condition again.

Now you guys are automatically thinking about the India - Pakistan standoff. Tell you guys what - it dosen't ever come up between us. In fact our common friends in Santiago take pride in introducing us to their friends saying this is AZB he is from Pakistan and this is Missing_DR he is from India and they are best buddies. Then we hear ...hay dios mio...que raro....etc etc.
(Names witheld as a privacy contract has not been signed...hehehe)

Now I do belong to an association which is often accused of manipulative measures on a global basis. AZB and me have healthy discussions about this also and we will continue to have these discussions. I would rather have it with him as the conversation is intellegent than some moron with a bottle of McAlbert in his hand and glittering with gold chains.

So instead of branding someone without knowing who he or she is enjoy them.

Now just imagine having this discussion with a guy from Santo Domingo.

PS: I was once asked by a Dominican guy what I thought of my President Nelson Mandela!!!

Paul Thate

New member
Jan 11, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You guys are way to hard on AZB

jazzcom said:


Are you Israeli?


No neither am I american, I just don't like it when maxxjaxx attacks the americans, AZB the Israelis, or TW the hatians, gratuitously.

Then I stand up.