what hurts more?


Sep 27, 2006

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I remember my SIL saying never again and my brother was worried because he wanted another. Doctor told him not to worry women have selective memory. He was correct. Once while catching playing baseball I had a faul ball bouce off the plate and slam me under the cup. Knock me right out.


Jan 2, 2002
I have no nuts to compare it but with my third child the epidural didn't work so I ended up having natural birth. The good part was no stiches but the mental pain of the birth stayed with me a lot longer than the first two which I had with an epidural.

Yes we do have selective memory.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Women can spend many hours in labour birthing a child while encountering extreme pain. They may have internal bleeding, and severe tearing of the birth canal even with an episiotomy, especially if the baby is large. Painful hemorrhoids are also a side effect of birthing. Birthing can have medical complications, some of which are life threatening.

I've had a couple of accidental kicks to my testicular area. While initially very  painful, the trauma doesnt last for hours or result in permanent damage nor is my life at risk. There is no comparison. 


Jun 19, 2009
It depends

I have no nuts to compare it but with my third child the epidural didn't work so I ended up having natural birth. The good part was no stiches but the mental pain of the birth stayed with me a lot longer than the first two which I had with an epidural.

Yes we do have selective memory.

I convinced myself that it is all in the head and billions of women have given birth with much less comfort than I have. So, I had both natural births. I took a nap during labor and had diner before heading to the hospital. Never took any birthing class, figured if a 16 yr old could give birth alone in her bathroom it wasn't rocket science. Arrived at the hospital ready to pop, had my babies within 1.5 hour. Nurses came and see me like I was an Alien, one asked me if I was in the military, lol.

I requested to be released to be home the next day. If I have a third one, would love a home birth, I hate hospitals.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Africaida, I've had 4. Wanted home births from the first but bowed to pressure from hubby cause at the time in Canada it was still "alegal". Ok if all went well, criminal charges if it didn't. Planned home birth for the 3rd, undiscovered breech...hospital birth. Which was so terrifying & ill addressed that when the the 4 th came I would have chained myself to anything to avoid the hospital, didn't care what hubby said. And it was wonderful and beautiful at home. Still kick my ass I didn't hold out the first time lol. The doctor in charge at the breech did everything wrong for a breech...my son is 27 now & I still marvel that I have him...& still believe he would have made out just fine at home with my midwife.
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Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
A historical note, if I may. The word testify came from ancient Roman times when male members of the Roman Senate held their testicles when they swore an oath or alligence, hence the word testify. Not necessary in court these days. Can you imagine Trump holding his testicles while taking the presidential oath?

Milo Mitt

Jul 21, 2014
In my opinion we should introduce the roman oath procedure again for the male politicians worldwide:). We also need to figure something out for the female politicians also so we could improve on both fronts.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Women can spend many hours in labour birthing a child while encountering extreme pain. They may have internal bleeding, and severe tearing of the birth canal even with an episiotomy, especially if the baby is large. Painful hemorrhoids are also a side effect of birthing. Birthing can have medical complications, some of which are life threatening.

I've had a couple of accidental kicks to my testicular area. While initially very  painful, the trauma doesnt last for hours or result in permanent damage nor is my life at risk. There is no comparison. 
You make it seem as if its a walk in the park.

Go and tell that to this poor soul...


Hmm, it sure looks as if he was giving birth to something!


Active member
Jul 13, 2017
I convinced myself that it is all in the head and billions of women have given birth with much less comfort than I have. So, I had both natural births. I took a nap during labor and had diner before heading to the hospital. Never took any birthing class, figured if a 16 yr old could give birth alone in her bathroom it wasn't rocket science. Arrived at the hospital ready to pop, had my babies within 1.5 hour. Nurses came and see me like I was an Alien, one asked me if I was in the military, lol.

I requested to be released to be home the next day. If I have a third one, would love a home birth, I hate hospitals.

Are you African?

I work in Africa, the African women are toughest women in the world.

Bless you anyway, if you are not.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
You make it seem as if its a walk in the park.

Go and tell that to this poor soul...


Hmm, it sure looks as if he was giving birth to something!

Not really a fair comparison. This guy was a participant in an FC arranged fight wearing a jock. A very dangerous situation. Sure his pain was intense but momentary and probably no long term damage. The pain of a woman giving birth has been equated to the pain of a man trying to push a watermelon out of his butt. I suspect if genetics had reversed the process and men were birthing children instead of women, there would be a lot less people in the world today and access to abortion and birth control would be an uncontested sacred male right worldwide.

On the humorous side I remember waking up from my vasectomy at age 35 and feeling very painful. The nurse checking on me said, "Isnt it amazing how something small can hurt so much." Ouch!!


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
In my opinion we should introduce the roman oath procedure again for the male politicians worldwide:). We also need to figure something out for the female politicians also so we could improve on both fronts.

Perhaps your right. If men knew they would lose their testicles if they didn't tell the truth, maybe the world might be a better place. There were only two situations I know of where males underwent voluntary castration. In Italy, young boys were castrated by the Catholic Church to enable them to maintain their soprano voices. Males wishing to serve in the Chinese emperor's court did the same thing so they wouldn't be a threat to the Emperor's concubine. A high price to pay in my estimation.