Christmas Letter to Family up North


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Got an e-mail from my niece up North in Baltimore, asking how I was doing this Christmas season.

My reply was as follows:

Hello Dolly,

Everything is fine here.

No snow expected again this year for Christmas.
Last year Santa got stuck in the white sand at the beach.

From the sky he thought it was snow, it was like landing on a sheet of sandpaper!
Christmas presents were spread all over the beach from the sudden stop in the sand.

The reindeer had to get pedicures before taking off, the sand landing scratched their hooves really bad. Try finding a pedicurist just before midnight Christmas eve.

Depending on Santa´s flight plans, I may hitch a ride and have him drop me off in Baltimore on his return trip to the North Pole.

Have a safe and happy holiday, hope to see you early Christmas morning.

Uncle Don