Spanish Interjections, slang and short phrases


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Keep this link handy. It came up when I was looking up an expression that is popular in songs and I just wanted to see what definition people gave it. What a pleasant surprise! This list is not only a list of interjections but of slang and short phrases that you hear in everyday speech in the Spanish-speaking world. I went through the list and was pleased to see how many expressions have been listed and with accurate explanations. Many are euphemisms for other words (which may be better to say instead).

Often you hear a word or expression and you think to yourself what does it mean or where did it come from? Have a look at this list. It is fun reading and quite diverse.

What ones do you use, know or are favourites from the list?

For e.g.

Here are interjections that you hear everyday but it is nice to have a definition:

1) anjá
2) ándale
3) ¡aúpa!
4) ¡ay de mí!
5) córcholis- very popular in Spanish (Mexican cartoons)
6) inshalá- I recently learned this word. I can’t remember where I came across it but I am glad to see on the list.
7) namaste- I had never heard this before. Now I if I do I will know what it means.
8) Chale- I like this one.
9) Yo sabré- I had never heard this expression before until I read this list - It means it is my life

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