I am curious again.....why.....?


Jan 5, 2002
-The same police general I have referred to in previous posts all of the sudden has dennounced to the press that an attempt has been made against his life by a group of so called "terrorists" who want him out of action? Although the press has been shy to tell him why, I have been saying all along what this guy has been up to since his days as Najayo Jail chief. If the attempts on his life come true credit it to an "ajuste de cuentas" on my book. That's what happens to those who live beyond their means and power. He has more enemies than Saddam Hussein in his heydays.

-Why does the family of executed Senator Dario Gomez insist on wanting to know the real truth about who is behind the killing of their "beloved" senator? They have just published another page asking...why? The truth is "they better not know". Our boy Dario was such a bad boy they better leave it at that. My theories have been explained before. And no witnesses may be alive by 2005.

-Another family wanting to know why is the Bencosme Candelier family and the the opinion makers in the news in the execution of Captain Bencosme C.. My reply...leave it alone. You don't want to know the real truth. Are we now at the point where military mafias are in the middle of a gang war? Just asking?

-Some people are surprised that Banco Central is issuing more certificates. How in the world are they going to pay our interest? Supposedly, BC was paying interest from the 2% import tax(Feria Popular was only selling cheap Japanese compacts), the $20 travel exit tax and other pipe dreams. But imports are not selling because no one is buying. Fewer people are travelling abroad because of higherr costs. So BC has now created the "Certificate Pyramid". Those who invested first will collect. Those who join now??????? After February "salvese quien pueda y a correr hasta que se nos gasten las plantas de los pies".

-Why certain business institutions are interpreting the labor laws in violation of Codigo de Trabajo. I am hearing many people crying about their Christmas pay check coming only at half the monthly salary. The labor law states that" the employer is obligated to pay the employee 1/12 of the yearly salary" in addition to the regular month's pay. The one I was shocked about was about our #1 Bank, that reported earnings in excess of 30% for the year, yet it was breaking the law by giving their employees only half the Christmas bonus. When employees complained they just said" the door is out there, if you want to leave, there are thousands waiting without jobs". They are also forcing employees to work late hours without pay. This is what Hippo has brought us....anarchy and illegality unpunished. Or could it be that the CEO is a PPH man?

Apr 26, 2002
I would really like confirmation on the link between the Grullons and the PPH. If it is true, only history will tell whether papa Grullon truly supported and/or benefited from the people who engaged in the greatest assault on the national treasury since Trujillo or just tried to survive really bad times by lamboning the PPH (like the Swiss Banks working with the Nazis).

Pib had an interesting thread in the "Debates" forum a few months ago about why the DR business elite does not "openly" challenge the PPH. She pointed to Venezuela as the possible answer. The elites may realize that, as bad as the PPH is for business, creating another Venezuela would be worse. The implication is that the Grullons, Jimenez, Bermudez, etc., are humoring the PPH while quietly supporting someone else. But given Hippo's incredibly low popularity, why continue that charade (if there really is a charade)?

The Pope warned yesterday that he hopes the DR (specifically) will avoid the results of capitalism carried out in an evil way. This Pope is one of the most important figures of our time. The Vatican must know a few things about the economy that we haven't even learned yet.
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Jul 3, 2002
About the Christmas bonuses, I must tell you that the law reads 1/12th of the money earned in a year, but there is a maximum or 'ceiling' of five minimum salaries (depending on your busines but this works out to around RD 20,000 - most people are not aware of this stipulation.


152.- ?Existe un tope o l?mite en el pago del salario de Navidad?

S?. La suma a pagar por el empleador no debe exceder del monto de cinco salarios m?nimos de ley. Por tanto, el trabajador que gane un salario mensual que sobrepase los cinco salarios m?nimos de ley, s?lo recibir? por concepto de salario de Navidad la suma equivalente a cinco salarios m?nimos de ley (Art.219).

So any employer does not have to pay more than five minimum salaries as a Christmas bonus
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Jan 5, 2002
More on Banco Popular and even others

-What more evidence that Papa Grullon is a PPH man than his constant presence at PPH activities and travelling around with Hippo at campaign stops. I was so outraged that as a client of the bank I called to complain about this. I feel that even though Grullon owns part of the bank, we are the ones who put up the money so he can survive. He uses my dollars to keep his life going. The money in that bank is not his. He got a license to operate a bank, not to campaign in politics. This is very damaging to our interests. The banking system belongs to us. His son has done the same thing.

In the case of the Christmas bonus, the amounts involved in Banco Popular had nothing to do with the minmum of five salaries. Everybody, including the cleaning lady were cut to half. In addition, the most expensive school and one where tuition has to be paid in dollars did the same thing. Explain that to me!!!

More on Banco Popular. I hear that the second man in command went to shop and his own Banco Popular premium card was refused by the bank credit system. The chic shop manager was shocked, knowing the reputation and hierarchy of this man. The computer was right. The senior top executive was behind in his own Popular card by 60 days. The man did not even pay his own bank card on time!!! What is even worse is that he went into a tirade at the bank where he is blaming the credit department for not warning him thru the typical phone calls from "cobros 60 days". I hear heads will roll including lowly employees who were just doing their job. "Santo" boy(the closest similarity to his name) will fire their asses as soon as he finds out all involved in embarrassing him. He did it to himself.



Mar 14, 2002
it serves him right

True that Golo,

This is the sort of arrogance and unearned sense of entitlement that angers me. A healthy economy is based on fair credit and equitably enforced fiscal policy. In other words, he who does not pay his bill is denied further credit.

Punishing already oppressed bank clerks adds insult to injury. I take minor comfort in knowing the narcissistic tendencies among the Dominican "elite" leaves them deeply shamed by this sort of notoriety.


Mar 5, 2003
Re: it serves him right

arturo said:
True that Golo,

This is the sort of arrogance and unearned sense of entitlement that angers me. A healthy economy is based on fair credit and equitably enforced fiscal policy. In other words, he who does not pay his bill is denied further credit.

Things work a bit differently here. When you sell on credit, usually the big fish with the big cash never pay on time. Ask anyone, one of the things that has this economy so screwed is that people pay 90-120 days. Well, by that time God knows what the x-rates are and how much the interest rates have climbed.
Dominicans dont like to pay on time, I've even had cases when clients have told me I am going to pay you what I think is fair (to whom, to you!!), and they think they can do that only because of a fancy name or because they have a nice store!!!Tell it to my lawyer .
Bottom line, Dominicans suck at paying on time. When we diecide to honor our comitments and start taking economic responsabiulity for our actions, maybe we'll be more concientuous about whats healthy for our economy.
Sorry, I just got screwed by this A-hole who doesnt want to pay!!Anyone knows a couple of badasses who know how to break legs?
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Mar 14, 2002
That's not a completely fair statement in my opinion

samiam said:
Things work a bit differently here. When you sell on credit, usually the big fish with the big cash never pay on time. Ask anyone, one of the things that has this economy so screwed is that people pay 90-120 days. Well, by that time God knows what the x-rates are and how much the interest rates have climbed.
Dominicans dont like to pay on time, I've even had cases when clients have told me I am going to pay you what I think is fair (to whom, to you!!), and they think they can do that only because of a fancy name or because they have a nice store!!!Tell it to my lawyer .
Bottom line, Dominicans suck at paying on time. When we diecide to honor our comitments and start taking economic responsabiulity for our actions, maybe we'll be more concientuous about whats healthy for our economy.
Sorry, I just got screwed by this A-hole who doesnt want to pay!!Anyone knows a couple of badasses who know how to break legs?

I can't honestly disagree with your description of the flexible payment schedule custom here - but if you have ever dealt with large North American corporations you know they don't operate very differently. On the other hand, smaller business (microempresas) up north don't, in my experience, throw their credit weight around quite as enthusiastically as certain "prestige" Dominican counterparts.