Dominican Boat People Overtake Haitians


New member
Jun 19, 2003
According to the AP, today, Dominican boat people have overtaken the Hatians in number. This kind of news is going to be very shameful to the Dominicans who always prided themselves in being better than the Haitians.

"A decade ago, it was a Haitian exodus that helped spur a U.S. invasion of Haiti, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. Despite worse economic conditions in Haiti, Dominicans last month began fleeing in far greater numbers and overtook Haitians as the largest number of boat people in the region."

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003
Are you sure?


How many haitians in Miami?
How many haitians in Cuba?
How many haitians in Canada?

How many are in the Dominican Rep.?

I know Dominicans we are the master traveling via "AA" Agua por de Lante Agua Por atras. is not about Dominicans pretendeding to be better than Haitian. is about reality Hipolito is eating the Island by pieces.

Haitians doen't take that many boat because they are not that close to Puerto Rico but imaging if they are closer to puerto rico than the Dominican Rep. and they can't afford to pay for a boat but if they have $ they will do the same thing.

yes Dominicans we are proud to be better not ashamed to take a boat you will do the same thing for a better life. They rather to take the boat to go to puerto rico make money and send to them family than be living in DR with not jobs.

Look at this with 20 dollar that we can send to the Dominican Rep. our family can eat at the least 5 day. will you see your self making 3 US dollar a day to support a family?

I don't feel ashamed.

Homer Simpson
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