homophobic cardinal


New member
Aug 9, 2005
Just reading the DR1 news and noticed that grand old dame Cardinal lopez Rodriguez has been spewing more hate.against gays.When will the catholic church learn we are not in the 14th century anymore where there word is law,i have a Dominican boyfreind (for 16 years now),when i hear the vitriol spouting from the cardinals mouth i want to vomit.
LISTEN UP-we are in the 21st century i love humanity and treat the world and its wonders with RESPECT so please at the same time respect me ,i was born this way,i have had to overcome discrimination because of what i am,not my choice,so for a loving organisation like the catholic church to show revulsion at me makes feel very sad at you small minded BIGOTS


New member
Feb 24, 2005
Our country must change and open it, and let decide who I prefer to go to bed. That it, and pay attention to the corruption, Drugs, thieves, health, education.

When we do that we will have better country.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Methinkth hith eminenth doth protetht too much!

Seriously though, most Dominicans are not so uptight, and I've never met one who speaks highly of the Cardinal. There are bigots, same as anywhere, but it's mostly a live-and-let-live-as-long-as-it's-not-in-my-face :paranoid: type attitude.

Sounds like the Cardinal hasn't been down the Conde lately either.:cheeky:


Jul 2, 2004
A, A
The cardinal has seen what homosexuality and pedophilia has done to the Cathlic Church. This is probably the primary reason he is against both.


Jan 1, 2002
The difference is that pedofilia is usually between one adult and one non-consenting child.
Homosexuality is traditionally between consenting adults. Big difference.
I just wish for once, the church would just go with the free will thing, and let us feel good for making our own choices.
And, they could be a little more generous with tolerance. Intolerance is so un-Christian.


Jul 27, 2005
The interesting thing about the news I think was not that Cardinals protested (they did so vehemently in Spain, and they've got homosexual marriages there now too), but that they explicitly acknowledge that being against homosexuality is un-civilised and primitive.

?Dejemos a los homosexuales que est?n en Europa muy por su cuenta. Aqu? estamos viviendo de una manera m?s primitiva, pero mucho m?s sana de la que est?n viviendo los europeos?.

"Creo que todav?a no estamos tan civilizados para una legislaci?n de esta naturaleza"

Like Randy and Robert mentioned in the Mangu Minute, imagine a conservative in the US, or anywhere else, describing it like that! I'm not sure though whether to interpret it as something uplifting or depressing; whether they already acknowledge they are old gits fighting for an eventually lost cause and that progressive dominicans will not share their views, or that it is acceptable to be happy with being primitive and uncivilised as long as it means you can maintain your old values.


Jan 1, 2002
I think that what they were talking about was officializing homosexual marriage within penal legislation.
Like John Paul II, they were/are/will be against it.



New member
Sep 1, 2004
Heh..."Primative and Uncivilized"....kinda sounds like he's describing the catholic church eh?


Apr 4, 2002
Although I don't believe in marriage, it is nevertheless an institution with clear definitions. A lifetime bond between a man & a woman, usually with an intent to procreate.
If homosexuals want an institution of a similar nature, let them have it, as long as it does not harm anyone, but do NOT call it marriage.
Marriage is one thing and a bond between 2 homosexuals is another, so let them sit down for a few minutes and invent a name.
This is not rocket science.
You want to invent a new thing, give it a new name. Don't try to steal another word already in use in the English language.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Just reading the DR1 news and noticed that grand old dame Cardinal lopez Rodriguez has been spewing more hate.against gays.When will the catholic church learn we are not in the 14th century anymore where there word is law,i have a Dominican boyfreind (for 16 years now),when i hear the vitriol spouting from the cardinals mouth i want to vomit.
LISTEN UP-we are in the 21st century i love humanity and treat the world and its wonders with RESPECT so please at the same time respect me ,i was born this way,i have had to overcome discrimination because of what i am,not my choice,so for a loving organisation like the catholic church to show revulsion at me makes feel very sad at you small minded BIGOTS
Don't get too up tight about the things the Cardinal says. Most Dominicans have the attitude towards him as Cubans have towards Fidel, someone whose info goes in the people through one ear and out the other.

While there is a sizable number of Dominicans that attend church religiously and practice religion down to its letter, most have not stepped in a church beyond the main holy days and most are not "actively" practicing church doctrine.

Baseball has a bigger following and loyalty on a nationwide scale than does any religious organization.

Don't worry about the cardinal, he's there for the sake of tradition, nothing more.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
jrzguy2 said:
Heh..."Primative and Uncivilized"....kinda sounds like he's describing the catholic church eh?
Primitive: in the sense that it's the oldest organized institution in existence and has remained extremely traditional, then yes. While masses are no longer given in Latin and women don't have to cover their hair anymore, much of the church is still organized as if its the 1600s.

Uncivilized: I would not go that far. Uncivilized organizations don't last as long as this oldest of organized institution in the world.



New member
Aug 9, 2005
god save our gracious queen(CARDINAL)

Cheers guyz for the upbeat tone although the guy who was spouting on about gay marriage misses the point,we should call them partnerships because, after all .who wants to be associated with BREEDERS:cheeky:


New member
Aug 9, 2005
cardinal SICK

Well the old dame is at it again,(dr1news 7 april)
After me thinking this is a one off he spouts forth more diatrabe,this man off god should lear that he is causing immense damage and DANGER to Gay Dominicans,if he was here he would have been arrested for inflammatory language against minoritiy groups
I urge people to e-mail this sinner .and let him know that good people off the world deplore his comments.
If any Gay Dominican or others suffers abuse the Cardinal should look at his remarks and realise he is partly responsible


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
Gays can do whatever they please one in the privacy of their home...

However this is not San Francisco or Amsterdam here, and it doesn?t strike me as odd to respect the local culture and not force that "gay pride" attitude down the throat of the dominicans...

The Cardinal is playing it by the book and is doing his job... Maybe it sounds a bit tough, maybe he should have said it differently...

But he is in his role...


Retired Ussername
Jan 9, 2002
Although I don't usually pay attention to things like this going on, I have to think that the Cardinal may be on the right track.

I have only noticed this because now, on a Friday afternoon/evening, no self-respecting hooker/working college girl would be caught dead on El Conde near Paco's. I did enjoy watching the women walk by.

This change has been because Paco's has now turned into a hang-out only for gay sex tourists and dominican bugerones. (and NO, I don't think the dominicans are there for pleasure or because most of them are gay, I think that they are there for the PESOS.)


New member
Aug 9, 2005
the freaks are out

That's more like it - now we see the homophobia starting to show its head above the parapet. One comment goes on about gay sex tourism. Whilst I deplore people paying for sex, since when has it been the single domain of gay people? Have you been to Boca Chica recently? Don't go round presuming that all gay people are paying for sex or are sexual predators? That is simply not the case,and yes whilst all forms of sex tourism are deplorable there are those of us who live our lives within the law.


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
It seems some posters here have an agenda about supporting the gay culture.
While I certainly don't aprove of all sex-tourism around here, I think homosexual/pedophile sex tourism is much worst. This will produce a much worst damage on local population.

It is a simple issue of respecting local culture. This is not a country where homosexuals are openly accepted. This is not a country where you can openly have 2 guys hugging and kissing in public, or hold hands...

-What's the big deal ?

If gays want a gay-friendly place, they can always find more appropriate places...

-Do any gay complain he is not well accepted in Saudi Arabia ? Down there, even western women understand they have to wear a "chador" as a sign of respect for local culture, even though they are not muslim...

Being homosexual is not a problem. It is just a question of having a low profile in a traditional latino culture, which is full of paradox, but nevertheless based on christian/catholic philosophy.

I don't see that as a "freak" position. It is just basic respect.

-Since when do the Catholic Church is supposed to support the gay agenda when being homosexual is regarded as a sin in their Holy Book ?


Jan 1, 2002
Squat said:
-Since when do the Catholic Church is supposed to support the gay agenda when being homosexual is regarded as a sin in their Holy Book ?

Homosexuality is not mentioned in the 10 commandments. However, 'your neighbor's wife' is. If you translate 'your neighbor's wife' you could conclude sex outside of marriage (which is legal in most countries.)
In the past, some priests were excommunicated for having sex/children (getting caught) with women. They are trying to recover from pedofilia accusations and convictions. But I've not heard if they excommunicated the priests.
A previous Archbishop from my area left in shame for having had a fling with a college student in his younger days. I haven't heard if he was excommunicated ...
Pedofilia is found across sexual preferences and is against the law in most countries. Homosexuality is legal in most countries.
The Catholic Church is supposed to support free will and tolerance.
Double standards are great indicators of abuse of power.