Moby Dick


New member
Jun 13, 2006
...delete this if "rude jokes" aren't allowed but I'll TRY to type it clean:

Two whales are swimming along when they spot a ship in the distance. The first turns to the other and says: "See that ship?? - It's the VERY ship that carried the crew that killed our good mate Moby Dick!!" The second whale replies: "REEEAALLYY??? THEN what to you say to us swimming under it, raising up while blowing air out of our blow-holes and turning that darn ship over to teach them a lesson??" Whale number one agrees and they do just that. As the sailors struggle in the sea the 2 whales swim away laughing...
JUST as the drowning sailors were going out of sight the first whale turned to the second and asked: "Know what?? In memory of Moby we ought go back there now and eat them all!!!!" To which the second whale replied: "NO WAY!!!!! I don't mind giving *blow-jobs* but swallowing **sea-men** just ain't my thing!!!!!"

GETTIT??? ;-)