As a Dominican American I want to dispell some generalizations from this board.

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Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
This is to certain middleclass "elites" who are sitting at home in the luxury of there airconditined mansion,typing away on there 2,000 dollar laptops in Arroyo Hondo,Naco and Ozama ,who like speaking of the issues of Dominican americans while at the same time looking down on us.

I'd like to give you my profile as a young,"real" dominican american living in the states and hopefully answer some of the more general questions many of you seem to grill us on..

Instead of having jamaicans,haitians,aa's and 40 year old dominicanamerican blowhard who just come on the site to belittle us and put there old country on an imaginary pedestal only they see...

I'd like to show you the mind of a young buc for a change...:cool:

Me:I am a young dominican american male.Half cuban,half dominican.Born in NJ,USA.Residing in NJ,USA and was raised in Arroyo Hondo,Primera,Calle Primera,STO.DGO,RD for my teenage years.I went to ABC for primary,a variety of Highschools including Interamerican,and UNIBE for 2 years of college..before coming back to the states to enroll in NJCU and now Dover College and eventually Berkeley Newark Campus for Computer Science Asscoiate.

...Basic stuff..

Yes I do perfer english over spanish..I WAS BORN HERE.It's my first language,would you perfer enligish over spanish if it was the other way around.Doubt it very much.So by proxy I perfer american muzik to dominican music and latin music.I also perfer american cuisines to dominican ones..generally I live as I should.As an american not a dominican trapped in america like people here tend to do sometimes.

No,I don't care much for local events in the DR but keep on them.I don't feel bad for that because i live in USA and have no plans on going back to reside in the DR.

I have no plans to reside there not because I think i'm better than my own people but because my own people don't yet know how to run a decent country.

Sure you live okay but mommy and daddy don't give me jack.So excuse me if working for 300 dollars a month and not having light,clean water,garbage pickups,paved streets,cops that come when I call and a working legal system all in the name for the overated "bonche"...doesn't quite call me..

If that makes me less dominican to you,then fine by me.I like to use a thing called my brain.If you're have a visa or greencard or the qualifications to easily get one and you're not making any moves on leaving?IMO,you're a dumbass.Even if you're a proffesional or a kid just living the so-called good nightlife the DR has to offer you are wasting valuabe time.

Yes I would like to see more dominicans coming here every year.The more the better,we have more opputunities and infintley better quality of life than down there.It does not bother me one bit if they are proffesionals or campesions they will make 100x more money than they ever could back home.

I visit frequently but that's gonna stop due the fact that tickets are ridicolously expensive and the cost of life down there is probably more expensive for me even then over here cause I don't like going into the hood like most other DA's like doing.

^Which is also IMO idiotic because we all know lowerclass dominicans are usually envious of there american counterparts and are quick to steal from them,have them mugged,hook them up with an old girlfreind and have her get knocked up for the visa and then turn around and get hitched..

Things like this happen in every poor nation of course but dominicans are the only ones who will smile and laugh after all is said and done..and just take it,like some idiots.

I personally don't vibe with that and thinks it's pretty dumb on our part to constantly go back and let alone into the gutter parts of the DR.It's one of the things that have us economically assed out here in the states.We can't afford to be doing that..

If a dominicana named Yahaiara works at Mcdy's and as a janitor for minimum wage and has to pay rent,light,and some other things she can not afford to buy and eight hundred dollar plane ticket and buy 100 dollar sneakers and 70 dollar jeans for everyone in her neighborhood every 4 months.That's just common sense to me..but..if you tell Yahaiara this she will look at you disgustingly and will tell everyone you're a "vendepartia,comesolo"..So whatever..

Once every few years will be enough for me and that's straight to the hotel to the malls to the clubs and back to the hotels to my plane.

Retirment?Maybe but I know in Florida or South Carolina I won't have to worry civil strife,general strikes,election disturbances and things like this as an old man.

So i'm leaning to the Southern States as well,possibly even Puerto Rico( retirement.

...General Comments on this boards views on us..

There is shere anduch a thing as a dominican american.You're looking at one.If you're born or live here that's what you are.Chances are you're more american than dominican only with a few cultural elements like slang and music being the true link.

I don't asscoiate with AA's at all or associate with people that do.Most dominicans I know don't either.Where is this stereotype coming from?Just because we use the slang and listen to the music and wear some of the clothes doesn't mean we want to or consider ourselves AA's.There are some dominicans especially darkerskinned males that identify more with them then with us but that's a minority.

Not AA's,Haitians,jamaicans,etc..none of them are for us.And I don't like being dumped in with them anymore than I like being lumped in with mexicans..

I have more in common with a native dominican than with a white or black american.

The beef with puerto ricans is so silly and pointless.It is however being reinforced by native pricans,prican proffesionals and older females.We seem to ignore them for the most part I see no real beef,outside of womanly squabbles.If there's a beef it's puerto rican women starting it and keeping it alive till this day...losers.

If a dominican kid comes over from DR I will show him around gladly.There is a stereotype that we have don't show any hospitality to natives when they visit us but reality is there's not much to do or see that a dominican kid hasn't seen already.

Also many dominicans live in poor or crime ridden areas and going out the clubs for americans is rare so i can understand how native dominicans find us "boring" or "cold".But we do know this and we speak on it ourselves yet american life is still better imo.

Like I said I don't see the point in going back or even constantly visiting and i'd like to seriously smack people that do.

Hanging out at every dominican business in the city,having every medallion and flag you see,and trynna hit on every underage dominican girl you come in contact with is don't have to do that to prove you're dominican just do you.

Now yes I do agree people that don't want to deal with there counterparts at all are traitors.I do agree on that and I have bumped into dominicans especially women who say they are not dominican or don't want to be in a relationship with a dominican.

Personally I only dig dominican other type of women can handle me and the rest just bore me.I'd be lying if I said I haven't disrespected dominican women that are interacial reltionships or dominicans that give me the vibe that don't like us.I do and have disrespected them and have called them "fake dominicans" and "traidoras"(which is what they are).

I usually only stick to my dominican and some puerto rican associates call it loyalty or call it adapting to the situation..but it feels right to be around my people,the natives and the americans,the elites and the poor.

Lastly but not least,we are doing okay.We can be doing better if we just stopped worrying about what goes on back home so damn much.There's nothing much to go back home to really.I don't see why dominicans don't see that and are always with "No pero el bonche de alla","La mujeres de alla","alla,alla,Alla"..

**** that!lol,we send to much money back that often ends up in the hands of ungrateful,envious people.Too much clothes,funiture,boxes,even cars,back.Buying homes only to have them invaded by relatives,etc..It's crazy and it's really holding us back IMO.

We need to focus on being here and getting our relatives and freinds out ..LEGALLY.And the situation in the heights is an embarssment,we should not associate ourselves with drugdealers.You can be dominican but i'm not gonna mess with a criminal not matter how much of a serious businessman he might look like on the outside.

We need to cut off leaches back home and over here,basically.

We need to focus on moving ahead and making sure our kids know who they are but also realize this is there home not "Santo DomEEngo".That's when you will see more dominicans in college,more dominican proffesionals,dominican politicians.Instead of just saloneras,colmaderos and baseball players.

Thanks alot if you read this.Just had to get this of my chest..
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I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Oh my!

Please do not take this the wrong way but:

As a Dominican-American I can honestly tell you that you did not helped our "cause" with your ramblings.

Actually I am feel ashamed that a person with your educational background can make so many spelling mistakes and in most cases not make sense on points you want to get across.

I tried being neutral but I am sorry to tell you that your pleas will fall on deaf ears. Why?, because people will only see someone making so many spelling mistakes that by the time they understand what you are trying to say, it will be too late to give you any type of praise/s.

Btw, I know everybody makes spelling mistakes but your post made history.
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Feb 18, 2006
I am a Dominican American as well and I love both the US and the DR.
Anywhere you go you'll find the pros and cons. You are who you are and love the place where you live but why do you sound sooo angry about being Dominican or being compared to AAs (african american?????). Has some of Americans defensiveness rubbed off on you????

Your post was too long so I couldn't read the whole thing, but that's the impression I got, that you have a chip on your shoulder. Dominicans "in general" are happy friendly people and this is what you should be putting out there to the world, make us proud "compatriota".
Feb 9, 2006
Face it, buddy.

Your an American. You were born in America and you live in America. Now, if you were born in the DR, you would be Dominican. If you were born in Africa, you'd be African.

People who claim their hyphenated heritage are just insecure racists who are trying to subdivide and identify themselves with a certain "group", and then claim they are better than some other hyphenated group. It's pathetic. Who cares where your parents came from?

Your rant made no sense. What was your point? That the DR sucks? Most people on this board would strongly disagree.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Good information, but too verbose

You have some interesting things to say, but your information got lost in the message. It would be a good post if your writing style were succinct. I understand your POV, but it's difficult reading. I hope you're not offended :)


New member
Jun 15, 2006
OP do you have PMS ?

Oh but you are a guy... so you have no excuse ..... and by the way an associates degree is not that much of a big deal... specially since it seems you have been in school for at least 4 years. less time ranting more time studying.

Clampett 1

New member
Aug 11, 2006
Don Polo. I, like everyone else that has read your post, have some questions as to your educational background. If you consider yourself an American, you should be able to effectively communicate in written English. I don't remember the last time I read a post with so many spelling errors. That being said, I will try not to hold that against your argument. The difficulty that I have is that I can not really understand what your argument is. I also doubt that you know what your argument is. I make out that somehow you feel as if Dominicans that live here in the US should simply forget about the DR and move on living life with little or no attachment to their Dominican roots. You are not going to win that argument in this board. The main reason why most of us come to this board is because somehow we feel a certain connection to the old motherland and we want to connect with others who feel the same way.
Personally, I am Dominican-American and don't plan on ever moving back to DR. I do not even visit much because I feel more comfortable living here and enjoying my life here, but that does not make it okay for me to rant about how bad things are there and people should just forget about it altogether.
Maybe you want to reconsider your point, restate it in a more concise and clear manner and maybe we could make out what you are saying.

God bless you man.

Joel Gomez
Leominster, MA


Jul 12, 2004
I don't asscoiate with AA's at all or associate with people that do.Most dominicans I know don't either.Where is this stereotype coming from?Just because we use the slang and listen to the music and wear some of the clothes doesn't mean we want to or consider ourselves AA's.There are some dominicans especially darkerskinned males that identify more with them then with us but that's a minority.

For a person who was born in the US, you would think that they should have a basic understanding of the English language, your spelling is atrocious and your grammar is incomprehensible, you are an embarrassment. Why would an educated AA want to associate with an uneducated chopo as yourself. Get a Life or better yet Get a Dictionary. I am sorry that the US educational system failed you, miserably. Always remember that Reading Is Fundamental.

Later, Sock Puppet.


On Vacation....
Nov 16, 2003
Perhaps too harsh

your spelling is atrocious and your grammar is incomprehensible, you are an embarrassment. Why would an educated AA want to associate with an uneducated chopo as yourself. Get a Life or better yet Get a Dictionary. I am sorry that the US educational system failed you, miserably. Always remember that Reading Is Fundamental.

Later, Sock Puppet.
His points are valid and it's shallow to dismiss him based solely on his writing. There are many spelling and grammatical errors in his post, but he didn't request for help for that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Jul 12, 2004
His points are valid and it's shallow to dismiss him based solely on his writing. There are many spelling and grammatical errors in his post, but he didn't request for help for that. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

For a person who states that he does not associate with a particular race or associate with people that do, without a giving a valid reason as to why, shows prejudice and ignorance. And to top it off he horribly mispelled many basic words that a person who is enrolled in college should know. So on both points he lost credibility. He states that he is going for an associates degree in Computer Science and can't spell "associates". He should know this since he "perfer" to speek enlgish. He's a joke and I can't take him serious. Plus why the mention of Haitians & Jamaicans??
"children should be seen, not heard"


Jun 3, 2004
I'll wait a little to comment on Don Polo's post; five posts in one day all dealing with race and hate is too one-dimensional for me. I hope he comes back with his insights on other aspects of Dominican-Americanism besides color, hair and who hates who.

Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
Oh but you are a guy... so you have no excuse ..... and by the way an associates degree is not that much of a big deal... specially since it seems you have been in school for at least 4 years. less time ranting more time studying.

^I haven't been in school in america for even a year straight really.And I know an associates isn't that big of deal but i'm planning on getting that first then getting some certifications and going back for my bachelors.

I know it's not a big deal but pretty much any degree here is worth more than one from the DR.:tired:

Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
This post was written at 3 or 4 in the morning.Forgive me for not caring much about my grammar or spelling.

I don't think my writing technique on the internet sheds any real light as to how much command over I have over the english language.



Apr 28, 2006
This post was written at 3 or 4 in the morning.Forgive me for not caring much about my grammar or spelling.

I don't think my writing technique on the internet sheds any real light as to how much command over I have over the english language.


Putting aside the grammar issue, we await your answers to the content of your thoughts ( rants). Other members have brought up some very important questions.

ps write when you're awake.:ermm:

Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
The situation does suck though.

I never understood why would someone want to go back and muchless defend the economic and political situation of DR.

Unless he or she comes from an upperclass background.:tired:

Of course if you're in that economic bracket you find the country to be mostly roses or at least improving.It seems that most posters here in that 'elite' or at least uppermiddle-class category.

It's easy to sit back and say "well we're doing okay",when your daddy or your uncles gets you a job on his construction company,or one of your expat buddies helps you get a way in at his hotel.

Very easy to look around and see only the good when you've always had everything handed to you in the first place.It's all gravy to you because all you see is malls,restuarants and clubs.

For most of the people here life in DR was a nightmare.

No lights,no water,crazy inflation,no jobs and an overabundance of corruption,police brutality is accepted,no real legal system to speak of,the list of problems endless.

They just refuse to see that because they are too caught up in nationalism and the fear of "losing some of there dominicaness" like some posters here like to say.

The reality is progress in our(yours,really) is moving at a snail's pace and alot of our people--especially the women--are dropping the ball on alot of opportunities here because they have **** in there brain.

Always thinking about "el bonche y el can de santo domingo".It's like they forget about all the corruption and economic hardaches they went through and their people still go through.

Not to mention that lowerclass dominicans are usually very envious of people who return even if they are blood relatives.

It's not a situation where people welcome you back and are appreciate all the money you send back to Vimenca for them.We all know it's more of a situation where they want more and more and more money every week,boxes every other month,always calling with an false emergency yet not even so much as a thank you or a round of beers on them when you come back to visit them.

More often than not they are met with criticism about everything from there baggy clothes to the music they listen too.As well as being pretty much seen as a walking target and atm for women,talking advantadge of,called things like "narco","dominican york".

Only a damn ignorant fool would want to go back to that.

Let's face it the DR is a country for expats,tourists and the offspring of rich foeign investors.Everyone else is ass out and left to fend for themselves.Yet most are too busy drinking,watching baseball and messing with underage girls to notice or do anything about it.That party atmosphere must really get into people's brain.

Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
For a person who states that he does not associate with a particular race or associate with people that do, without a giving a valid reason as to why, shows prejudice and ignorance. And to top it off he horribly mispelled many basic words that a person who is enrolled in college should know. So on both points he lost credibility. He states that he is going for an associates degree in Computer Science and can't spell "associates". He should know this since he "perfer" to speek enlgish. He's a joke and I can't take him serious. Plus why the mention of Haitians & Jamaicans??
"children should be seen, not heard"

^From my experiences with AA's,WI's,Africans,etc.

They all seem to have issues with us keeping the culture or even just being hispanic to most of them(educated or uneducated)equals to a denial of blackness.

Besides all that have you seen the stats in the "Plight of Black Males" article?Why should we link ourselves to that?

There's enough bad stereotypes and dominicans doing wrong in the states.We don't need to hitch a ride from them.Trust me.


Jul 12, 2004
^From my experiences with AA's,WI's,Africans,etc.

They all seem to have issues with us keeping the culture or even just being hispanic to most of them(educated or uneducated)equals to a denial of blackness.

Besides all that have you seen the stats in the "Plight of Black Males" article?Why should we link ourselves to that?

There's enough bad stereotypes and dominicans doing wrong in the states.We don't need to hitch a ride from them.Trust me.

You are hanging out on the wrong side of the fence, ignorance crosses all color lines, I can show you plenty of different races who will string you up at moments notice, do you want to shake hands with people from the Minute Man project?? To tell you the truth educated AA's are not really concerned about hispanic culture, they are more concerned with educated and prosperous people rather it be Asian, White or Hispanic. Now the only problems you will find are in poor drug infested ghettos around the US and the US Prisons, where Hispanics, Blacks, and White gangs fight over "turf". If you are educated and prosperous, you won't see that part of society.

Now the "Plight of Black Males" is not all of them, who do you think is sitting in the seats of over 110 "Historical Black College & Universities"? From Alabama A&M to Xavier University of Lousiana. What about the Fraternities and Sororities, that date back to 1906? You have a long way to go, before you can walk in the same shoes. Don't generalize people.

Well I hope you learned something today and you need to stop worrying about the middle-class and start striving to become one.

Don Polo.

Brain Donor
May 9, 2006
^Who said I wasn't middle-class?

By DR's standards someone who lives below minimum wage working at mcdonald's would be upperclass.No one is jealous of these guys.:tired:

I don't care what other races or nationalities do or think.I'm worried about Dominicans in the states and to a lesser extent back in the DR.

If you feel you owe something to african americans why don't you go up and tell some of them that you feel as if you should thank them and call them "brothers" while you're at it,and see if they don't die from laughing in your face.

Whatever they had to do or overcome in this country is not my business.I don't owe them a damn thing.I doubt my parents would have come here during Jim Crow.They don't consider me one of them or foreign blacks in general to be as "black as them".

Infact they view us as threats to their jobs.

Also,do you have any idea the amount of african cabdrivers and businessmen that get killed by there so-called "brothers" all over the country?It's in the hundreds.

Please don't try to correlate being wealthy with being a better human being.The educated AA's are just as bad to foreign black people as the rest of them.

I sense that you have not dealt with many of them in real life.Many of these guys seem to think that since you have money that must make you a swell guy to be around,but that isn't always the case.
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