looking to value a private business in the DR


New member
Oct 3, 2008
I am a part owner of a technology business in the DR. I need to hire someone with the proper credentials to write up an independent valuation of my business there for some potential investors.
The business value is the $5-20 million range.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
I am an investment banker/college student in New York. I currently operate my own business out of the Dominican Republic so I may serve helpful in the valuation and knowledge of the region. I collaborate with economists that may serve useful in this field and at a fair fee. My email information should be attached to my profile.


New member
Jun 8, 2006
I am an ASA qualified US evaluation expert. My specialty is closely held business for IRS Estate & Gift Tax, Federal & State courts and public corporations seeking private acquisition. I have over 20 years experience in this field.
Depending on client needs I interface with a boutique international accounting firm located near New York City and a PhD. accountant who is the Chair of a major Florida university.
A proper business value is international in scope and value especially in advanced fields of technology.
Given the current international banking fizzle a correct business value based upon sound generally accepted accounting models will do the job for you.
You may contact me via DR1's private posting.