Getting Altered Birth Certificate

Sexy Beast

New member
May 10, 2008
I am in the process of getting a Birth Certificate for my Novia and we are having dificulty.

Her orginal birth certificate ledger for example has 1987 on the top part then it has 1986 erased and altered on the bottom part.

Initially the judge in Nagua issued 5 copies to us with the proper date of birth. But after needing a birth cerficate for every little thing we are all out and need more.

She went to get more recently, and the judge refused to issue more because he states that the original ledger was altered and that she had to get a lawyer who had to go to the capital and resolve it for her..He issue some sort of Permiso that she had to pay 1,000 pesos for and was recommended a lawyer.

She spoke with the lawyer and of course he wants 15,000 pesos to resolve it and it will take two months.

To me that sounds absolutely ridiculous to have to pay that amount for a clerical error..Is there any other way to get copies of a birth certifiate? Is there any other way to get it instead of going to Nagua each time ie a central provencial location?

I'm at a lost any ideas of what's going on?