Homenaje a Hait?

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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Since the earthquake on Tuesday that destroyed Haiti?s capital, Port of Prince, I have been following the news until the early hours of the morning. Such devastation really is painful and it?s very difficult to watch the suffering of the Haitian people once again. Since I like to write, a hobby of mine, I woke up today and decided I had to write somewhat of a summary of the situation and a tribute to Haiti and its people as anyone of us can be a victim of a natural disaster.

Here are my thoughts:

?Qu? se puede decir acerca de la situaci?n en Hait?? De inmediato palabras como caos, desesperaci?n, hambre, peligro, tristeza son algunas que vienen a la mente. Un pa?s que ha sufrido a trav?s de los a?os con guerras civiles, golpes de estado, huracanes y ahora un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7.0 sobre el escala de Richter es el colmo de la desgracia.

Todos nosotros somos seres humanos y hemos visto en esta vida que lo que pas? en Hait? puede pasar en cualquier lugar y cualquiera de nosotros puede ser v?ctima de un desastre natural. Sin embargo, Hait? es un pa?s que vive en crisis a diario dado que es el pa?s m?s pobre del hemisferio occidental y uno de los pa?ses m?s pobres del mundo. ?C?mo va a recuperarse de esta tragedia sin precedentes? El terremoto del pasado martes es el m?s fuerte en esa regi?n en muchos a?os y la devastaci?n se hace sentir.

La hermana naci?n, la Rep?blica Dominicana demuestra su solidaridad. La ayuda de los dominicanos en medio de esta crisis es inconmensurable. Muchos quieren ayudar de cualquier manera que puedan para mostrar su preocupaci?n, compasi?n y solidaridad por sus hermanos haitianos. Sin embargo, con la total destrucci?n de la capital, no hay gobierno, no hay polic?a, no hay hospital, la ayuda de la hermana naci?n y otros paisas del mundo como los EEUU, Canad? y Francia es imprescindible. Lo que necesita Hait? es una masiva operaci?n de colaboraci?n de todo el mundo para que puedan seguir con la b?squeda de sobrevivientes, salvar a los heridos y ayudar a los que ya no tienen casa y deambulan en las calles.

Un terremoto es uno de los peores desastres naturales que puede sufrir un pueblo o un pa?s. En cuanto a Hait? el da?o est? hecho. Ahora la pregunta clave es hacia d?nde va Hait? y cu?l es el futuro de los 3 millones de personas, es decir un tercio de la poblaci?n que perdieron a todos sus familiares, sus casas, y hasta su alma. Lo ?nico que podemos pedir es que el mundo colabore con los haitianos para que los que sobrevivieron al desastre puedan tener una oportunidad de volver a vivir y formar parte de un futuro esperanzador que merece Hait?.

Que se levanten los haitianos con fuerza y valor para reconstruir la capital y su pa?s sin perder fe en la vida.

Aqu? tienen algunas im?genes del peri?dico The Gazette:


Haiti Quake - Montreal Gazette


Gallery: Haiti earthquake



Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Staying strong, not losing faith...

As days go by the desperation of the Haitian people in the capital gets worse. Several days without water, food and shelter is taking its toll on its people. Those who survived the devastating earthquake are left in the streets searching for family members and friends while caring for themselves and nursing their injuries the best they can.

I am still dumbfounded by the lack of effort on a local level. The first tractor in the capital was sighted on Thursday after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Incredible. Time is of the essence and if survivors are going to be found equipment is needed to dig and cut through the rubble.

Haitians are showing their patience and valor but like any human being who is suffering, it won't be long before natural instincts start to take control of many people's composure. More foreign aid has moved into the area over the past two days and have began immediate operation ranging from medical aid, to sharing out food, water and searching for survivors. However, in spite of these tremendous efforts to help the survivors, time is ticking away. In the midst of this tragic moment, I remain hopeful that survivors may still be found and that those who are getting medical help will be saved.

Thanks to the those who are doing everything they can to help in one way or another and may they continue with their tremendous show of solidarity and humanity.

Here is a recent video clip from BBC Mundo that captures what I have described in words. This is still so incredible, so much suffering and desperation.

BBC Mundo - Internacional - La lucha por la supervivencia en Hait?

This photo says it all. Courtesy of Le Monde.fr

Ha?ti : le gouvernement ?voque plus de 50 000 morts - LeMonde.fr


Norma Rosa

Feb 20, 2007
The situation in Haiti only brings tears to my eyes. I wish I could be there, if only to put my arms around someone.

(A rhetorical question: Must some people suffer in order for others to show compassion and love?)


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Some more thoughts (in Spanish)....

based on events of the past few days:

Dado que no habl? con nadie que ha sido afectado directamente por el terremoto, me interesa mucho ver en la televisi?n los comentarios de los sobrevivientes, los periodistas y sobre todo los comentarios de los haitianos, tanto de los que viv?an en Puerto Pr?ncipe como de la di?spora que por casualidad estaban de visita cuando ocurri? el terremoto.

Con la ayuda internacional, ahora se puede ver la diferencia en la distribuci?n de agua y comida. Sin embargo, est?n lejos de terminar con la recuperaci?n de los cad?veres que est?n por doquier y con la busqueda de techo para los que no tienen d?nde ir. A mi parecer, los esfuerzos se concentran en Puerto Pr?ncipe pero ?qu? est? pasando en los otros pueblos que han sido afectados? La gente en dichos lugares todav?a est? esperando recibir art?culos de primera necesidad y las probabilidades de encontrar gente viva en esas ?reas son menores a?n porque hay poca ayuda de la comunidad internacional. Muchos haitianos se han dado por vencidos y simplemente decidieron tomar lo que puedan e ir rumbo al norte del pa?s.

A pesar de las luchas y sufrimiento que han afectado Hait? y sus ciudadanos en los ?ltimos, digamos, 40 a?os, percibo en los comentarios de la gente que ya no pueden aguantar m?s. Sus comentarios indican que est?n en estado de shock, una profunda tristeza les abruma y hay poca esperanza para el futuro del pa?s y su gente. Aunque muchos han sobrevivido a otros desastres naturales recientes y violentos disturbios, este terremoto y las secuelas del mismo van a afectar a los sobrevivientes, sus familiares y a los dominicanos de maneras imprevisibles e inimaginables. Este imprevisible desastre natural ha tocado la vida de much?sima gente que realmente nos hace pensar en t?rminos muy generales qu? sentido tiene la vida.

Creo que un cambio radical (de pensamiento) en Hait? es inminente pero, en mi opini?n, es el gobierno el que tiene que encabezar el proyecto de recuperaci?n. Va a ser un gran reto para el actual presidente Ren? Pr?val, porque en realidad tiene que reconstruir una ciudad entera y al mismo tiempo trazar un plan para tener una econom?a estable, que genere trabajo para los haitianos. Tambi?n, los haitianos necesitan ponerse a la altura de esos cambios si quieren ver un futuro positivo para su pa?s. En pocas palabras, necesitan un l?der que sepa gobernar un pa?s que, en mi opini?n, es ingobernable en este momento y cuyo pasado reciente ha influido gravamente en su estado econ?mico de hoy en d?a.

Aqu? tienen un comentario muy interesante de un periodista que comenta sobre la causa de la crisis haitiana:

* los Duvalier

* los desastres naturales

Haití, la miseria agredida - EL MUNDO - nacion.com

Here are some fotos of the palacio nacional before and after.


As well, for those of you have never seen a picture of Jean-Claude Duvalier, here he is:


The situation in Haiti only brings tears to my eyes. I wish I could be there, if only to put my arms around someone.

(A rhetorical question: Must some people suffer in order for others to show compassion and love?)


I think in a general sense, yes, people still show plenty of compassion for each other (at least in my world. My experiences have been very good) but the daily corre corre does not allow us to show it or recognize it at times. However, in my opinion it's still there. Many people have a deep sense of humanity for others.



Apr 28, 2006
A few days back I saw an interview of baby doc (Jean-Claude Duvalier) on I think CNN. He felt sad for his people and get this he offered to donate 8 million dollars that he was going to withdraw from a Swiss bank. If and only if he does this, he is just giving back what he stole from his country.

Btw Marianopolita very beautiful and compassionate thread.
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Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Thanks A.Hidalgo!

I am glad you have read the thread thus far. Being able to express myself a bit based on what I see and read about this tragic event allows me to stay connected. In addition to the tremendous news coverage on various stations, the photo galleries in various newspapers have also been spectacular. Every time I open the gallery in the various newspapers that I glance at daily, the images are moving. The coverage of this natural disaster is unprecedented and I believe it’s because of what Haiti has been through as a country over the last few decades meaning what’s considered the modern day demise, the Duvalier regime and the series of natural disasters that have crippled the country in the recent past.

I did not know about Jean-Claude’s intent to donate to Haiti until your post. Thanks for the information. I searched online to see if any information was available and I found an article. Indeed he will give eight million in his mother’s name as a contribution to the American Red Cross for relief efforts and the rebuilding of Haiti. I agree with you 100%. Is this guy for real? It’s the money of the Haitian people/ country. Actually he should give back everything he robbed them of. All I can say is he needs to be able to sleep at night just like all of us. If I were to see him in person I would say to him –que te remuerda la conciencia.

Haiti earthquake: 'Baby Doc’ Duvalier pledges ?5m aid - Telegraph

One of the most striking photo galleries that I have viewed thus far is this one in El Pa?s.com (see below). The photos speak for themselves. However, when you have a moment please take a few minutes to view them. They really capture what everyone has experienced since January 12, the pain, suffering, strife, hunger, helplessness, desperation, hope, and uncertainty.

While I found all of the pictures a privilege to view a few stood out and one of them is a rescuer who saved a child. You can clearly see he is a proud man and rightfully so. He must feel so good about what he accomplished while seeing so many others suffer. I wish I could thank him myself. See picture #14 in the link.

El Ej?rcito de EE UU impone orden - Una de las peores tragedias en Latinoam?rica - ELPA?S.com

Here is a recent picture of Rene Pr?val and a good article. He looks drained. In simple words, the road ahead for him is going to be tough but he has to stay strong for his people, the people of Haiti.


"Hay una falta general de coordinaci?n pero empezamos a tomar el control" ? ELPA?S.com

Other photos that speak for themselves:

Pure rubble!


Barrios destroyed


See other photos in this link:

Terremoto en Hait? con ELPA?S.com



Apr 28, 2006
I saw an interview of Preval, I believe it was about two days after the earthquake hit, he was at the Toussaint L'ouverture International Airport and he looked lost and confused. It was a clear reflection of what had befallen Haiti. A few days after that he now seems to have regained his steps.


Apr 28, 2006
Looking at this picture carefully I think there is something wrong here. There is no way that cross could be standing. Image manipulation me thinks, or a miracle in the works.;)



Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
The road to recovery and what lies ahead...

I think the latter suggestion is quite possible, in the midst of confusion and destruction, it's incredible sometimes what is left untouched. It's like sometimes in a miracle crash, the car is totalled and the driver walks out and calls for help on his cell phone.

During this whole search for survivors there have been a few miracles this week. Underneath tons of rubble, a baby was pulled out as if he were untouched (who cares about the dust on his body). The rubble actually served as a shield and protected him until he was saved.

The newspapers today state that Pr?val and the government have officially called off the search for survivors. The efforts now will be focused on curing those who survived, the homeless, and addressing the homeless children situation because if not that will escalate to an unwanted issue of human tracking, slavery etc. and it has been indicated that some problems have already started.

In the midst of this profound crisis, the focus now is trying to establish some return to normalcy if that's conceivable. However, from what I have seen on the news last night, including the Dominican news TV Dominicana, that's still far from happening when people are getting into serious fist fights for food, bathing outside, using outdoors parks as areas for cooking and as washrooms. These outdoor living areas are called 'tent cities'. It's just promoting some potential grave sanitary and disease issues.

This week many survivors in the capital started to flee Port au Prince which is also a symbol of their desperation and frustration. Those who don't have family in other parts of the country, in reality where are they going? They showed some Haitians who actually did cross over to Jimani and were walking around in the streets but were sent back.

One aspect I found interesting in the news last night on CNN en espa?ol was a clip about how people just trample on each other for food. The reporter used the expression 'a palo limpio' to describe their actions. Since we are in the Spanish forum, there's one expression that's good to know and I am not quite sure if I would classify it as used often but surely as a Spanish speaker you should be familiar with it.

Big challenges lie ahead for Haiti and the Dominican Republic. When the situation returns to normal, other problems will surface in the midst of the current ones. I hope Pr?val and the international community do not underestimate this. They need a short term and long term plan in order to rebuild a country that has no infrastructure. I do believe change is imminent because of the magnitude of this disaster and the response from the world. I want to remain positive about this and hope for the best.

Here are a few pictures taken this week. Source Canada.com:

Digging out of the rubble.

Thinking about their options?

Survivors who have no where to live.

Grit and resolve ease Haiti's pain

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