DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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The National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant) says it has contracted through the Ministry of the Presidency’s Trust for the Development of the Mass Transport System in the Dominican Republic (Fitram) with the Brazilian firm Imtraff.

The company is assisting Intrant with artificial intelligence to determine how to improve the transit system in Greater Santo Domingo. Hugo Beras, director of Intrant, says that significant changes are forthcoming. The Intrant continues to consider converting two of the most important north-south connecting roads, the Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill avenues into one-way avenues.

In addition to the Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, the plans calls for intervening several other main avenues, included the John F. Kennedy, Máximo Gómez, Ortega y Gasset, 27 de Febrero, George Washington (Malecón)...

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