DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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The talk of the town over the weekend was the controversy Minister of Environment Miguel Ceara Hatton started when he stated during an El Dia Channel 11 Telesistema TV interview with Edith Febles that President Luis Abinader had given him precise instructions to put an end to the mafia structure that permeated the Ministry of Environment, the can of worms revealed after the death of former Minister Orlando Jorge Mera. Ceara Hatton confirmed during the TV interview that gangs and little gangs were operating in the institution at different levels.

Ceara Hatton had served as Minister of Economy of the Abinader administration since day one. A technocrat, he was President Abinader’s choice to replace Orlando Jorge Mera, who had been murdered by a close friend who, on grounds of being a political contributor, sought a permit that violated the rules.

After little more than 10...

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