DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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The Ministry of Public Health is summoning people with dengue symptoms to go early to see a doctor to avoid complications. Greater Santo Domingo, Santiago and San Cristóbal metropolitan areas are under a dengue outbreak.

The Ministry of Public Health reports six deaths from dengue in the country. So far this year, there have been 7,222 cases of dengue reported. This includes 1,093 new cases in the last week alone.

Deputy Minister for Public Health, Dr. Eladio Pérez says 3,123 cases have been reported in the past three weeks.

Minister Daniel Rivera called for the population to go to the doctor early, stating that if patients are received in hospital centers on time, and treated, no one has to die from dengue.

The most affected population is 10 to 19 years old, but the virus also affects adults.

The Ministry of Public Health urges people to carry out...

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