DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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Discussions between the Dominican Republic and Haitian authorities regarding the diverting of the waters of the border Masacre River are slow and erratic, but ongoing.

The Deputy Minister of Multilateral Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Relations Rubén Arturo Silié Valdez has said that Haitian officials would meet at the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Santo Domingo to resolve the impasse caused by the restart of the construction of the irrigation canal that seeks to divert water from the Masacre River.

According to a publication from the Office of the Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, the meeting in Santo Domingo gathers members of the Binational Water Table of the Bilateral Mixed Commission and is taking place to find a fair and definitive solution to the problem of the shared water resources of the Masacre River.

Le Nouvelliste in Haiti reports...

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