DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

DR1.com is the leading English news source in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years.

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As part of its open skies policy, the Dominican Civil Aviation Board (JAC) has signed an aviation agreement with Saudi Arabia. The agreement was signed when the aviation board directors coincided in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the Brazil – Saudi Arabia International Aviation Conference.

The civil aviation authorities of both governments signed the agreement to allow direct or stopover flights between both nations and beyond. The signing took place on 4 October 2023 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The president of the Civil Aviation Board (JAC) of the Dominican Republic, José Ernesto Marte Piantini, and the president of the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Duailej signed the air services agreement to facilitate the flow of cargo and passenger flights between both nations.

The agreement establishes the...

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