DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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Environment Minister Miguel Ceara Hatton gave credit to the diligent efforts of environmentalist Yvonne Arias of Grupo Jaragua when announcing the Dominican Republic now has a second Biosphere Reserve, that of Madre de las Aguas. Arias persevered throughout more than 20 years and submitted the project three times to the Unesco’s Man and the Biosphere Program.

Ceara Hatton spoke of the concerted effort of the Dominican MaB Committee at the Unesco program under Arias.

Arias worked for years with the technical teams of the Ministry of Environment, the Dominican delegation to Unesco, the Ministry of Culture, and other government entities collaborating with academic institutions and environmental groups.

As reported on the Presidency website, Arias explained that the Dominican Republic successfully completed all the tasks assigned to it by the Man and the...

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