DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

DR1.com is the leading English news source in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years.

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Tourist arrivals continue to set records in the Dominican Republic. The half year mark for 2024 is now at 5,90,726 visitors. Last year was the first time the Ministry of Tourism recorded more than 10 million visitors with a record-setting 10.5 million visitors. Tourism Minister David Collado expects 2024 to be another record-breaking year.

Minister of Tourism Collado announced the encouraging figures during a press conference held in the capital city. He highlighted the significant increase in air arrivals, with 758,719 visitors in June alone, representing a 7% growth compared to June 2023. This positive trend extends to cruise tourism as well, with 165,017 cruise passengers visiting in June, marking a 15% increase from the same month last year.

“This means that in June alone, the country received 923,736 visitors, 9% more than in 2023, 28% more than...

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