DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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51-year old hiker Trinidad de la Cruz was sighted by searchers riding on a helicopter above the mountains. She is described as from the mountain town of Constanza and is an experienced hiker.

She had become estranged from her group that was on a hike on Saturday, 6 July 2024 in the Central Mountain Range trails. She figured if she drew a large cross on top of a rock on the hill, the helicopters and drones would find her as they did.

De la Cruz was finally rescued by an Air Force helicopter on Monday, 8 July in the afternoon.

She had been missing since Saturday afternoon when she was hiking with a group of 30 people from the Pinalito Dam in the Constanza area to the Blanco Hydroelectric Plant in Monseñor Nouel province, a popular trail.

Drones, a helicopter, Max from the Civil Defense canine unit and 37 expert mountain hikers searched for the woman.

“We are very...

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