DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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Lawyer and writer Federico Jovine Bermudez writes in Listin Diario that the Abinader administration’s Km 9 road improvements are a tale of broken promises and impunity. He recounts the many times that Minister of Public Works Deligne Ascención, or his deputies, have come forth to announce completion dates for the road section. The Km 9 grid is where the the country’s main highway (Duarte) heads north from the capital city, but it is also the point where Greater Santo Domingo’s bypasses interconnect, making it the most traveled in the country.

In his opinion piece in Listin Diario, Jovine complains that the minister lies about the completion dates, offers no explanations for the delays and that there are no consequences.

Jovine recalls that on 24 February 2022, President Luis Abinader launched the expansion of the Duarte Highway’s Km 9 interconnection...

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