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  1. P

    A-Rod decides to play for the US

    I think is was about time Alex came up with a decision for the WBC instead of not making a choice at all. I think his choice to play for the USA was good since he was born and raised here unlike most the other players on the Dominican WBC team.
  2. P

    Any good Casinos around Puerto Plata, Cabarete, Sosua area?

    For my trip coming in January Im going with a couple of friends and plan to check out the Casino scene for the 1st time since traveling there over 15 times in 3 years, which I never had desire to before. I know Playa Dorada has a casino but I stopped by there but I did not see any black jack...
  3. P

    August 15 1865 Dominican Retoration Day!!!

    This holiday celebrates the day independence from Spain was restored in RepublicaDominicana :tired: , I thought DR celebrates there independence from their next door neighbors at the begining of the year. There are only 2 countries in the Western Hemisphere who do not celebrate their...
  4. P

    Dominican Government ranked with Iran and more corrupt than China,Colombia and Cuba..

    Keep in mind this was last year 2004. But I was very surprised the DR was ahead of China, Colombia, and Cuba and than ranked the same with Iran in corrption. I wonder how they put this most corrupt countries list together because the US should be in the top 20...
  5. P

    Should the dollar go back up?

    I travel to DR at least every 3 months for business reasons. When the dollar was high every thing got more expensive and since the dollar has went down the prices on every thing has stayed the same and that is bad. To me it makes sense to raise the dollar back up for the reason the price on...