Search results

  1. D

    What exactly is the status on abortion here?

    Very confusing after a few girlfriends were talking about it as if it were no big deal, yet I have read it is illegal. What exactly is the standing on this, legally and the actual reality, legal or not.
  2. D

    so where are these cheap shacks on the beach in PC?

    Anybody hear about these things.
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    This 10 day closedown law?

    The Colmado at the bottom of Abe Lincoln Ave (opposite the Hispanola Hotel) has been closed down for ten days after a drugs bust resulted in a cop being shot and wounded. Is this a standard fine for allowing drugs to be sold on a property or for a cop being shot? Seems like a light punishment to me.
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    Finding a place in the mountains?

    I want to find a place inland, preferably into a mountain village/town environment. This place would act as a sort of second home I would rent at the local Dominican prices of I guess very cheap. I have no contacts inland at all, nor do I see any listings anywhere for mountain village/town...
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    Snow in DR

    I have been reading that it can snow up in the mountains, really, anyone ever witnessed this? Although the highest peak is surprisingly high for here, it isn't that high.
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    Laws with regards to child custody?

    A question for the well informed among you. A couple have a child, Expat and a Dominican lady. They live together and try to bring the child up together. The relationship doesn't work. What are the chances the guy could get custody of the child. Factors; The guy has supported the family...
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    I need pictures of the cliffs at Cabrera, anyone?

    If you have any pictures of the cliffs I would be very much appreciative, thanks.
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    Rock types found in the Cabrera area?

    Anyone have any idea of the rock types I am likely to find in the Cabrera area, specifically the cliffs facing directly onto the ocean. Many thanks.
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    I need Fibre Glass, in Spanish??

    As above, what am i asking for, and if anyone knows where to by it within the Lincoln / Churchill areas I'd be very much appreciative.
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    No job, 6month relationship, 15 and talking babies

    What is wrong with people. I was sitting having a coffee with a friend last night and she was telling me of her concern for her younger sister who has been talking babies. Apparently her boyfriend (a bit older and already the father of 2 kids to different women<cough>/girls) has been bugging her...
  11. D

    Copy brands around DR

    I have recently bought some branded clothes. I paid around the same price I would in Europe so not cheap. After wearing them for a short time it had become obvious to me that they are not genuine. Since noticing this I have looked into various different items in shops and found them to be non...
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    Great views, mountaintop restaurants or similar

    Ideally i would like to sit with my feet in a river and then be close to a restaurant with waterfalls setting where I could have cool bear and eat from a bbq. Something along those lines, anyone? Within a short drive from Santo Domingo.
  13. D

    Hidden little gems?

    Anyone got a little haven they run away to when they just need peace and quiet during the day, massage, drinks brought to me, feet rubbed etc etc, and a little chilled out company in the evening. I don't get much Caribbean living in the middle of the busy city. Budget is $500-$1000 depending on...
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    where were the pictures taken of the startup page

    of the DR1 website?
  15. D

    VERY interesting BBC report for you to listen to.

    An excellent listen if you are interested in what exactly happened and what will happen in the future and where.
  16. D

    Culture and so on?

    I'm a little confused. I have a few girlfriends coming out for a few weeks, never been here before and are asking me about a culture to the country, a real Dominican experience. I am not sure what that is, I haven't really seen any culture as such, anything for tourists isn't really cultural is...
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    Some kind of map or sat view of where this quake was felt

    I am now hearing about people all over the country having felt this quake. I personally felt absolutely zero, nor do I know anyone else in Santo Domingo who felt this. My pondering is this, if we didn't feel it here then how did people on a direct ling through us feel it. I don't understand how...
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    Grey water into sewage?

    Is this common practice here?
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    Why could they refuse you your Cedula?

    Any specific reasons a British citizen would be rejected on application for Cedula?
  20. D

    self leveling compound?

    can anyone tell me how or what I would ask for for a SLF over here, can't find anyone in my local area who knows my needs, best I'm getting is a sloppy cement mix (not good enough). Thanks!