Search results

  1. E

    no more TinyPic access ? WTF?

    TinyPic is telling me this morning that they no longer allow international uploads to their site, so I can't add any photos to my posts. Alternatives anyone?
  2. E

    Pet wanted

    I saw this photo, and I REALLLLY want one as my next pet: they are called an "Aye-Aye" and are a type of lemur found in Madagascar. I can only imagine the look on dominicanos faces when they saw my new pet - they would ask "What's wrong with your dog?"
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    Dominican funeral

    hope this isn't a rerun: Dominican Funeral An old couple in Santo Domingo was puzzled when the coffin of their dead relative arrived from the USA. The corpse was so tightly squeezed inside the coffin that her face was practically touching the glass cover. When they opened the coffin, they...
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    Yamasa day trip and Taino art replicas

    A couple of friends and I took a short trip today up to Yamasa, about 45 minutes northwest of Villa Mella, to see the Guillen Brothers shop where they make authentic replicas of Taino artifacts. Interesting day, and a welcome break from the chaos of Santo Domingo. Their shop and property is one...
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    1976 Mercedes Benz 300D for sale

    I sold all of my furniture thanks to DR1, and now it's time to part with my 1976 Mercedes Benz 300D sedan. See my ad in the DR1 classifieds. Carlos
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    Caller ID blocking - yes or no?

    I have now been here for 3+ weeks, and picked up a cheap cellphone for my time here. One thing that has frustrated me is seeing the message "Restricted No.". This means that the person calling me has blocked the caller ID , right? Or does it signify an incoming international call, or both? If I...
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    Current AMET salaries

    After talking with my new pal the AMET officer this afternoon, I asked him how much AMET officers make. A normal AMET officer you see in the street makes RD$7500 a month. The AMET Zone Supervisor in Sto Dgo with responsibility for the area from Ortega y Gasset out to Luperon, and between 27 de...
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    Scary P.N. (?) experience in Sto Dgo

    After doing my last errand this afternoon, I was going west on Kennedy between Lope de Vega and Lincoln at about 4:45pm, normal rush hour traffic, going about 10 or 15 mph. A 125-sized motorcycle with what looked like 2 P.N. flunkies in PN uniforms and those funky flat-topped hats pulls up next...
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    nice furniture for sale

    I put up my ad and am selling everything, the move to MX is permanent (for now). If you would like to see photos, PM me and I will e-mail them to you. Complete bedroom set from Ilumel, caoba comedor with 8 chairs, TV armario, credenza and some other stuff.
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    Marriage + birth certificates question

    So, it has been along time since I last needed to get official copies of my marriage certificate and birth certificates. I last went way out in el Campo to a small town, to the Oficialia, where a verrrrry old little man laboriously typed out 3 copies of our marriage certificate In Extensa on a...
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    Interesting history

    Saw the blurb in the Diario Libre today, that on this day in 1947, Trujillo wrote a check and paid off all of the DR's outstanding external debt.
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    Most memorable experience in DR

    What is your most memorable experience in the DR ? I'll post mine: Driving to Sabana de la Mar (across the bay from Saman?) early one morning, and then paying a couple of local fishermen a few hundred pesos to take me in their boat carved out of a huge hollowed-out tree up the coast on an...
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    Spirit Airlines stupid marketing

    Check out the stupidity that Spirit is using to try to get customers. Spirit Airlines' Tasteless New Ad Mocks The Oil Spill Crisis
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    Terror alerts by country

    The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940...
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    Lie about the poster above you

    The subject line explains it all, so start lying! And make it a good one.
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    Fish heads

    ANYTHING to get that Trolololololololol guy out of my mind - que horible! Nightmares ! Here's some history - one of the very first videos on MTV when it started up: Fish Heads. They played it endlessly to fill up air time until more people started making music videos. YouTube - Fish Heads
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    taxi driver

    A passenger in a taxi leaned up to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window. For a few moments...
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    After having their 11th child, an Arkansas couple decided that they had enough kids. So, the husband and wife went to the doctor and told him that he and his cousin didn't want to have any more children. The doctor told them that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the...
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    Chocolate chip cookies

    An elderly man was very ill, and lay in his bed fully expecting to die at any time. In death's agony, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs. The smell was so overwhelming that he somehow managed to gather his remaining strength to lift...
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    I forgot my teeth

    Have you heard about the dinner speaker who was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth? "Oh, no" he said, turning to the man next to him, "I forgot my teeth." "Don't worry," the...