Search results

  1. G

    Buying a quad Yamaha

    I live in Cabrera and want to buy a new quad Yamaha Grizzly 350 2WD. There is a Yamaha dealer in Nagua, but no quad there and they sent me to Las Terrenas. Is it a good idea because LT is well known to be very expensive, specially for stupid gringos :tired: ? like me Can someone living in...
  2. G

    New DSL connection

    How long could it be to get a dsl connection in a new house located in Cabrera area ?
  3. G

    Radio-controlled items

    Hi all ! An other technical question: do radio-controlled items (watches and clocks) bought in Europe work in DR ? And do they display real local time or "dominican time" :paranoid: ? Thx !
  4. G

    Internet / apagones

    Maybe a stupid question but during "apagones", if you use a laptop (with a charged battery of course) and a DSL modem powered by a battery or other mean (inverter or planta or...) do you get connection to the Internet ? Thx
  5. G

    Buying a new Toyota

    Assuming this is not easy to find a reliable second hand car in DR, where can I find the prices of new cars ? I have tried Supercarros but the datas seem obsolete (2003) I'm specially interested by the basic models Toyota. Which ones are avalaible in DR ? Yaris ? Auris ? Corolla ? and what...