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  1. L

    Passport not stamped

    Hi, I have just noticed my passport was not stamped on entry and I need to pay for an overstay. I have the boarding pass showing the entry date. Problem?
  2. L

    How Magnanimous of the US !

    I think you may find that the level of wealth or otherwise of the country is a factor governing guidelines which have a strong political nuance.
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    Cola Wood

  4. L

    Carpenters work bench

    Thanks but no luck there
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    Cola Wood

    Thank you
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    Carpenters work bench

    I'm looking for an adjustable work bench. The best known ones in the UK are named Black and Decker Workmate. They fold up and have adjustable jaws making a vise.
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    Cola Wood

    Here it's Cola
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    Expat Communities in Rio San Juan and Gasper Hernandez

    What is a "puntas". I looked in translation and it said tips. Are you sure you mean this?
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    Cola Wood

    Cocobolo shortened in the Dominican way to Cola. It's a very hard dense timber with a specific gravity of 1.1, in other words it sinks in water. The seasoned wood is deep red/brown and can be highly polished.
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    Cola Wood

    Does anyone know if there is any available Cola timber and a rough price. Thanks
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    PLEASE HELP -- need advice URGENT !

    I can understand why you are panicking, as if the world is about close in on you. Don't panic and try to relax. First of al the are almost certainly trying it on and are not serious with their threats. However in order to feel completely free of this spend the rest of your holiday in another...
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    Your label

    Why would I love it?
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    Your label

    What is the wrong direction?
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    Your label

    I'd like the opportunity to explore it. For example you used the term immigrant with a derogatory implication. However, I don't know where you are from but I bet your mother country was built with the assistance of ingenious immigrants, as was mine.
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    Your label

    There is a very interesting sub-text here, when you refer to immigrates as illegal
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    Your label

    Immigrants are usually defined as people who have come to a different country in order to live there permanently, whereas expats move abroad for a limited amount of time or have not yet decided upon the length of their stay,” (CEO InterNations) So how long do you need to have lived in The...
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    Expat is an interesting word. If you are from a "first world" country or have a white skin you are labelled an expat. If you have a brown skin you are called an immigrant.
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    Expat Communities in Rio San Juan and Gasper Hernandez

    There is a fair number of French people in Rio San Juan. Mostly living up in the hills.
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    Return ticket required

    I once received an email from the Dominican consulate in London saying that Dominican immigration does not require a return ticket and that is something airlines like to ask for!
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    Posting medication to DR

    Did you declare what the contents are? And the value?