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  1. N

    I would like to apologize

    I would like to apologize but I have to ask Timex? Do I get one? If you read the entire post then you would clearly see that I started out with truly well intentions and was attacked by a couple, not all, people who felt in neccessary to put me down and make complete haste out of the...
  2. N

    Hey what happened.

    My post got closed right before 100. That is ok because I think we drove so many points home. But I started another one asking if I could view this forum from my NNTR and it is gone? Is somebody unhappy with me?
  3. N

    Another Race Issue about "Light Skin"

    Ok I was reading an excellent question, response post about being African American. I will let you know now I have African, Native American, Italian/white in me. I have fair skin and curled hair like a true Italiano, Cubano but I still have a, what I like to believe is a freakin awsome tan...
  4. N

    I want to Move To the D.R. Very Much but...

    My name is Christian and I currently live in Miami, FL. I love latin culture and love latin people. People are always coming up to me and speaking spanish, when I say, No Hablo Espanol, they seem shocked. Aren't you from Cuba, are you Dominican? I laugh and tell them even though I have Latin...