Search results

  1. J

    any recommendations for a leather sofa repairer ?

    in the sosua area
  2. J

    oh hello the se adverts have gone

    is anyone else gets very expicit sex adverts- usually its only the first time you sign in , for the past few days its been all the time even after deleting history etc I dont need to see vaginas on here ...I can see them anywhere if I really want to
  3. J


    anyone know the best place to buy and approximate prices per load and what a load consists of
  4. J

    stupid question about corra plata water

    Im ready for the answers whatever they may be lol How much do people pay that dont actually receive any water via the street water ? I know we are supposed to pay for the privilege of using our own well, but how much do other people pay and what is considered a normal amount ? I would have...
  5. J

    over enthusiastic mods

    My partner is wondering why he cant see dr1 anymore
  6. J

    Its been a while since we heard about this place

    looks like there have been a few changes Dominikanische Republik: Das neue Gesicht der 27 Wasserf?lle von Damajagua
  7. J

    who knew ? hockey in sosua
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    Tennis in sousa - sea horse ranch offer

    NEW: "Get Started Now" Package at Sea Horse Ranch Tennis Club: * Full membership for 6 months for one person * Brand new Babolat tennis racket * 2 group lessons per week for 2 months * Normal value: $890 - for only $549 !!! NUEVO: Paquete ?Empieza Tenis Ahora? al Sea Horse Ranch Tennis Club: *...
  9. J

    chikungunya- cant find the answer to this question

    how long are you able to transmit the disease to others or will you always be able to once you have it. Do I now have to avoid all human contact
  10. J

    Anyone know a painter with their own ladders ?

    ........that can paint a three story building - preferably at reasonable cost
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    Anyone interested in football coaching
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    anyone interested in football check out this link
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    anyone interested in tennis on the North coast check out this group
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    little dog missing in la mulata 2

    let me know if anyone has found him and we can re-unite him - he lives a bit higher than the thai restaurant
  15. J

    well pumps again

    Since there seems to be no water on the horizon I may have to think about another submersible well pump (the last one lasted three weeks with no guarantee) We have everything for the well except the pump lol - what experience have those people with newly acquired well pumps had , what cost ...
  16. J

    huge star in the sky tonight

    anyone know what it is ? I think it might possibly be jupiter from seems about four times the size of any star Ive seen before
  17. J

    sosua area water trucks advice

    we used to have one that charged 1500 to fill the tank but seem to have lost the number, other people have mentioned 3000 odd for less water , does anyone have any contacts for a reliable tanker man to fill our cisten that charges a reasonable amount. Also the coraaplata web site and email...
  18. J

    most stupid post but.....

    I cant find any decent sunglasses in sosua ( a beach town) any suggestions other than a trip to la sirena which arent much better. I would like them to be a)normal size and b)actually be able to see through them Im thinking it might be easier to order on line after 7 normal shops and walking...
  19. J

    lots of pussies

    looking for a home for four kittens in approx four weeks- can send photo , two tortoiseshell, one mostly black and one mostly white would appreciate someone taking the mother away as well as its nothing to do with me ;-)
  20. J

    Tennis news

    El tenista dominicano Nick Hardt?formar? Equipo Junior ITF/Grand Slam en 2014