Search results

  1. O

    Setup Unsecured/Secured Lending Company

    Can anyone in broad strokes describe what is necessary, from a legal viewpoint (in terms of registration of entity, licensure, artificial entity formation, etc.) what is necessary to start a personal/commercial loan company in Boca Chica? I.e., this would be a loan company that lends to both...
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    Sneezing Cashier at big Duarte Supermarket

    There's a cashier at the big supermarket near Duarte Park (off Duarte, off El's not actually called "Duarte Park" but that's what I call it...the Chinatown street monument is visable), who was sneezing into her hands and picking and rubbing her nose while passing my goods by the...
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    La Asocacion La Nacional de Ahorros Y Prestamos -Nat'l Association of Savings & Loans

    La Asocacion La Nacional de Ahorros Y Prestamos -Nat'l Association of Savings & Loans Asociaci?n La Nacional de Ahorros y Pr?stamos Is anyone familiar what exactly this organization does, and what has been your experience with terms of borrowing money, or whatever else they do? Are...
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    Pizza House on El Conde Unruly/Smells

    Pizza House (the worst really wreaks in there like puke or rotting cheese, and the pizza is actually sweet-tasting and terrible) had all you can eat for RD100 on Friday, which generated a huge crowd of high schoolers, all day, but especially at night, with some unruly. They mostly...
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    Finance or Management Consulting Job

    Hi DR1-ers, this is my first post ever. I have been an avid reader for a while. I have been to the D.R. close to 30 times and now I am ready to take the plunge and move there. I am looking for a job in finance or consulting. I have a business degree from an ivy league school, and 10 years of...