Search results

  1. W

    Riding on the "barquito" inside Los Tres Ojos

    I'm thinking of taking an incoming friend to see Los Tres Ojos, which I haven't been in a long time myself. I'ver heard that there is an indepedant operator (once you pay the general admission of RD$20 or so to enter) at the bottom of the steps that charge per head to take people on the boat...
  2. W

    Imperial Circus of China, is it still showing ?

    Two friends from out of town have asked me to take them to the Imperial Circus of China, saying they've seen the ad in the local newspaper. I seem to remember this circust thing started a while ago. Is it still showing though at the corner of Malec?n and Socorro Sanchez ? Does anybody have the...
  3. W

    Best Dominican Coffee ??

    I've been living in DR for a few years but I am not much of a coffee drinker. However, recently a family friend abroad, who is a coffee aficionado, asked me about DR coffee and I'd like to seek some advice here. Which area(s) of DR is/are considered best coffee-producing region(s) ? Also...
  4. W

    Best Dominican Coffee ??

    I've been living in DR for a few years and but I am not much of a coffee drinker. However, recently a family friend abroad, who is a coffee aficionado, asked me about DR coffee and I'd like to seek some advice here. Which area(s) of DR is/are considered best coffee-producing region(s) ? Also...
  5. W

    Did anybody attend Pavarotti's recital ?

    Just wondering if anybody on this board attended. If so, was it worth the RD$10,000 ? He is apparently slated to return on April 2nd with the same pianist. Identical price structure, beetween RD$ 2,000 - 10,000. Any opinions ? William Hsieh