Ultrasonic liposculpture....


New member
Jan 6, 2007
Just wanted to know if anyone has ever had this process done in the DR before ???

What was the approximate cost ?

And has anyone ever heard of :


Lipoescultura Ultrasonica RD $ 35,000.00

Resultados impactantes tanto para hombres como para mujeres, sin cirugia, sin internamiento, sin riesgos, ni la dolorosa recuperacion de la liposuccion. visitenos para que conozca nuestro moderno y seguro metodo de eliminacion de gorduras y otros defectos, como arrugas, poco senos, pocas nalgas, labios finos y sin lineas definidas y muchos mas, sin dada de bisturi ni cortaduras.
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Oct 28, 2009
In short, no I have not had the treatment nor have I met anyone who has.
My thoughts are as with any non invasive treatment they will have a clause which states it can take between 1 and 100000 treatments to get the desired results, and so you read into it what you will.
I live in Santo Domingo and so am surrounded by private body mod clinics, I have several friends who have gone down the breast enhancement road (although not my thing), with great success thankfully. Treatment here is cheap to get it done properly, but the scrutiny of individuals carrying out the treatment is lazy, and so it is up to you to do the research. In this case it sounds like a scam, I see adverts for this on TV all the time and it is on at the same time as the slimming pills, and we all know they don't work.
My tupence.


Sep 27, 2006
In this case it sounds like a scam, I see adverts for this on TV all the time and it is on at the same time as the slimming pills, and we all know they don't work.

i think you have no clue what you're talking about. ultrasonic liposuction is a fairly simple procedure of liquefying fat and then sucking it out. all done with local anesthetic so recovery time is considerably shorter and there is less bruising. it is not a pill or spa style event. this is surgery, albeit less invasive than traditional liposuction.
my friend had it done in europe and she was pretty happy with the results.
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Oct 28, 2009
I read this.
Resultados impactantes tanto para hombres como para mujeres, sin cirugia, sin internamiento, sin riesgos, ni la dolorosa recuperacion de la liposuccion. visitenos para que conozca nuestro moderno y seguro metodo de eliminacion de gorduras y otros defectos, como arrugas, poco senos, pocas nalgas, labios finos y sin lineas definidas y muchos mas, sin dada de bisturi ni cortaduras.

Now from what I know there is no way of penetrating the flesh without penetrating the flesh, sorry for my obvious ignorance, it seems that either their site is wrong, this info is wrong or I am at a loss as to what invasive surgery is.

My apologies I don't know.


Sep 27, 2006
sorry, i did not mean to be too harsh. if you google info on procedure itself you will see that skin is indeed penetrated for the fat needs to be sucked out.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I didn't google it, but took it for the same ultrasonic technique that claims blasting fat cells through the skin works. Misunderstanding, never mind. We have alot of false claims out there these days.
Feb 7, 2007
Ultrasonic Liposuction ::: Beauty Before Age, Dr. Jeffrey Binstock, M.D. - Liposuction, facial and body sculpting, totally by local anesthesia, and in the comprehensive treatment of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, sun damage, and skin canc

Dr. Binstock no longer performs internal Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction as he found the benefits do not warrant the increased risks, costs, and time associated with the procedure. This was the conclusion that had been reached by most European surgeons who abandoned the technique several years ago, at the same time it was beginning to become popular in the United States. In fact, the two main companies in the United States, who manufacture the ultrasonic machines, have both stopped production of these units.

External Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction, an American adaptation of this technique, wherein the ultrasound is applied externally before, rather than internally during the procedure, has failed to provide any significant benefit or advantage over tumescent liposuction alone. Dr. Binstock has abandoned this technique as well.


Active member
Oct 25, 2005
maybe Hidrolipoclasia would be the solution for you! nevertheless it hurts but it is efficient! and the costs are very reasonable