Bingo in bavaro


Jan 8, 2002

The Rotary International Club of Punta Cana ? Bavaro, District 4060, is sponsoring a BINGO BENEFIT to raise funds for community improvement needs.


The BINGO BENEFIT takes place at ?CASA CLUB DE EL COCOTAL?, which is the golf club building at the Cocotal Golf Course and Cocotal residential area. *It is opposite the entrance of the Melia Resorts and Plama Real Shopping Plaza.

The price is: RD$ 500 Pesos, tickets will be sold at the door
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 5, at 7 pm.
Where: Casa Club de El Cocotal, (see above)

We expect a very good time and one will have the opportunity to meet friends and fellow members of the community. There will be BINGO and entertainment. Refreshments and snacks will be available for purchase.

Some of the Rotary community improvement projects now in the works are the construction of two classrooms additions that are already in progress at the Cortecito School and the future start of construction of a firehouse adjacent to Manati Park. A fire truck and equipment has already been donated to the community from the Trenton, Ont, Canada Rotary Club.

Previous club projects have included the addition of two classrooms at the Dos Jardas School in Veron. The club has also provided funds for local teachers to attend educational seminars in Santo Domingo and transportation for poor children to receive medical attention at Operation Smiles in Santo Domingo.

This benefit will allow the CLUB ROTARIO PUNTA CANA ?BAVARO to receive matching funds from the Rotary International Foundation, other Rotary Clubs and organizations, to the funds raised from this benefit and other Rotary activities to be used in community improvement projects.

If you are in the Punta Cana ? Bavaro area and wish to donate a prize toward the benefit you can PM me.


Club Rotario Punta Cana ? Bavaro

*bring ID as you will be checked in at the gated entrance to the residencial and golf course.